Learning how to buy, sell or create an NFT

Everyone is talking about NFT. What is it and how to make money on it?
The world's first SMS was sold at auction as a work of art in December of this year.The mobile operator Vodafone has posted a screenshot of the message Merry Christmas ("Merry Christmas")....
Feb 22, 2022

NFT - what is it, how to use it, where to store it and how long will they stay with us?
The NFT trend began back in 2017 with the famous blockchain game CryptoKitties. Then the hype for Crypto Cats spread so much in the community that, in addition to selling pictures for...
Feb 22, 2022
NFT in simple words: what is it and how to make money on it
What is NFTAn NFT, or non-fungible token, is a unit of account that creates a digital impression for any unique item. Among them can be: paintings, photos, videos, music, GIFs - in...
Feb 22, 2022

New risks of NFT investors
The hype around NFT investments still persists, but 2022 began with criticism of this technology. It is compared to the “Wild West” - a very high-risk territory. And first of all,...
Jan 17, 2022

What is NFT and why are they worth millions?
The original Nyan-cat gif was sold as an NFT for almost 600 thousand dollars. One of the creators of "Rick and Morty" sold a collection of digital drawings for more than one and a half...
Sep 02, 2021