


Additional issue

The additional issue as a procedure applicable to securities is important not only for the issuing company, but also for the investor... More


In simple words, alcoins are all cryptocurrencies except Bitcoin... More


Airdrop of cryptocurrencies is a free distribution of a small number of coins by the creators of the project, which is usually carried out at the ICO stage or a few weeks before its launch... More

Arbitrage trades

The act of taking advantage of countervailing prices within different markets through the sale or purchase of a currency. Thus, simultaneously taking an equal and opposite position in a related market to profit from small price differentials... More

Ask Price

The Ask price is the minimum price at which the seller agrees to sell... More



Bears - traders who open short positions or short investment assets in the hope of a decline in quotations. These traders are working on a falling or bearish trend... More


Benchmark is an exchange indicator, the values of which allow you to assess the overall state of the market or its segment. Most often, stock indexes, interest rates... More

Best execution

Brokers must take reasonable measures to execute clients' orders on the best of available conditions. Such a statement can be interpreted very broadly... More

Big Mac Index

The Big Mac Index is a variant of determining purchasing power parity (PPP) expressed in terms of the price of a burger. In other words, it shows the ratio... More

Binary options

This is a contract between the buyer of the underlying asset and its seller to buy or sell at a pre-agreed price in the future... More


When did Bitcoin appear? This question is difficult to answer. Officially, it is believed that the first cryptocurrency was born in 2008. But although the history of bitcoin began on the day of domain registration - August 18,... More

Bitcoin core

Bitcoin core is a client software for the Bitcoin network, released by Bitcoin itself. It includes a wallet that you can use for Bitcoin mining. Let's look at these points in more detail... More

Bitcoin wallet

Bitcoin, as a completely virtual currency, has no physical form, so when you buy a currency, you have to store it in a virtual space. You can't hide it in a leather wallet, in a backpack, or transfer it to a bank account... More

Black-Scholes model

American economists Fisher Black and Myron Scholes published an article on option pricing in 1973. Sociologist Robert Merton improved its mathematical component. This model is based on six assumptions... More


Blockchain – a series of data records, each of which is associated with the previous one. The newest entry in this chain contained the history of the entire chain... More

Blue chips

Blue chips - the most popular shares of the largest companies on the stock market. The term "blue chips" came to the stock market from poker, where the most attractive and valuable chips... More

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors (BoD or Board) is a collegial management body regulated by law and the company's Articles of Association and elected for the period between annual meetings of shareholders... More


A bond is a security that includes debt obligations, according to which its holder has the right to receive payment of its nominal value from the issuing entity (issuer) within a specified time... More


Broker is an intermediary between a client and trades, conducting all his transactions. There are different types of brokers that function with some differences... More


Bulls - traders who buy investment assets (stocks, currency, futures, and so on) in the expectation of an increase in quotations. These financial market participants are working on a growing or bullish trend... More

Bull market

Bull markets mean a time when prices are continuously rising for a long period – rising by at least 20% after falling by 20%. During such periods, investors... More

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Buy limit

Buy limit is a pending purchase order, which is placed when the price is below the current level. It can be used to buy on an uptrend after the expected correction... More

Buy stop

Buy stop is a pending purchase order, but the price for entering the market for this order is located above the current one, that is, it will be trading for the continuation of an uptrend... More



Candlestick, as a method of analysis, do not give a long-term advantage in the main markets and is suitable only for the short-term analysis. The method was invented in Japan in the second half of the XVIII century... More


CAPM is one of the models for assessing the value of capital. This is how the abbreviation Capital Assets Pricing Model stands for. The essence of CAPM is to calculate the profitability... More


CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) is a digital form of fiat money (the value does not come from its own value and the guarantee... More


The Consumer Confidence Index is an indicator created from the statements of people of different social statuses about their current state and prospects for the future... More


All coins moved during the day participate in the calculation of Coin Days Destroyed (CDD). For each such coin, the number of “burned” days is taken - the days during... More


CFD is an abbreviation of Contract For Difference. CFD is a financial instrument that allows you to speculate on the difference in the prices of the main asset... More

Cloud mining

Cloud mining is this type of cryptocurrency mining frees the miner from the costs of equipment and electricity, as well as from other, less costly, but more time-consuming difficulties, according to... More


The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) became the first American exchange to issue its own shares - this happened in 2002. Now most of these stocks are traded on... More

Copy trading

The mechanism of copy trading is quite simple. The investor registers in a special system, selects the most successful trader (traders) in his opinion, and starts copying his strategy... More


The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is an indicator that measures the average changes in prices of a fixed basket of goods and services, i.e. the inflation of prices... More

Crypto mining

Crypto mining farm is a structure that consists of special equipment aimed at mining cryptocurrency. The main incentive for creating a mining farm for its owner is the opportunity to... More

Crypto wallet

In order to interact with the blockchain network - to send, receive cryptocurrency - a crypto wallet is needed. Storing assets directly on a crypto account is an... More

Current ratio

Current ratio (Current liquidity ratio) - calculated as current assets / current loans. Shows the company's ability to pay for short-term liabilities (up to 1 year) at the expense of current assets... More



Decentralized applications (DApps) - more resistant to attacks and transparent applications that have become possible thanks to the blockchain. Thanks to such decentralized applications... More


The DAX stock index, being an abbreviation of Deutscher Aktienindex, is a key German stock index that is traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. According to European traditions, the index is not... More


D/E (Debt-to-Equity) - the ratio of the company's debt to its capital. The indicator shows how much borrowed funds account for each dollar of equity. An acceptable indicator is at the level of up to 1.5x... More


Literally, the word delisting means exclusion. Securities and other financial instruments that have undergone the delisting procedure cease to be traded on a certain stock exchange... More


DeFi is a financial instrument in the form of services and applications created on the blockchain. The main task of decentralized finance is to become an alternative to the banking sector and replace the... More


Deflation is an increase in the real value of money and a decrease in the overall level of prices for goods, works and services. Deflation is the opposite of... More

Demo account

Demo account is an account with virtual funds designed to display market conditions, as in the case of real trading. Thus, the broker's offer - instruments, trading conditions... More


A derivative (derivative financial instruments) is a type of contractual contract that obliges the transaction partners to perform certain actions with the underlying asset in the future... More


Devaluation is the depreciation of national currency in comparison with foreign currencies, which many are afraid of. The official historical definition is different... More


A dividend is a portion of the profit or free cash flow (FCF) that a company pays to shareholders. The amount of payments depends on the dividend policy... More


When it was created, it was not considered a serious project at first. It was a joke or meme of Billy Marcus, a programmer who created the currency as a parody of other rapidly growing... More

Dow Theory

This theory was stated by Charles Dow, whose name is named after the famous US stock market index - Dow Jones. He described the main provisions of his theory in a series of articles in the Wall Street Journal... More

Dow Jones Industrial

The Dow Jones Industrial is one of the oldest indices of the US market, was invented and began to be used in 1896. The index is considered one of the main indicators of the American economy... More

Dow Jones Composite Average

This US index appeared in 1934. It tracks the dynamics of share prices of 65 companies leading in their industries. This is an extended index based on three indexes... More

Due Diligence

The term Due Diligence is used to characterize the due diligence of a counterparty before a major transaction. This is necessary to minimize the risks associated with... More



The European Central Bank (ECB) is a financial institution established to control and influence the monetary policy of the countries that are members of the... More


ECN - Electronic Communication Network. Through this network orders to sale or buy are made not only by private traders, but also by Forex brokers, and even large banks. The most important advantage... More

Economic сalendar

The Forex and Stock Market trader's economic calendar summarizes the news and other important publications expected during the next trading sessions. These are the fundamental data that affect... More


EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting) is a rather significant event. It can be held more than once a year. The initiator of the holding is most often the Board of Directors, but this right is also... More


EPS ratio (Earnings Per Share) is a financial indicator that is the result of the ratio of the company's net profit to the number of ordinary shares outstanding during the annual period... More


ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning. In other words, it is a strategy of combining and managing information about all aspects of the company's activities. Resources mean... More


ESTR (Euro Short Term Rate) - a new benchmark rate, which already started operating in the European Union money market and may soon replace the LIBOR benchmark, which is losing popularity... More


ETF - Exchange Traded Funds, which are traded on the exchange. ETFs can be safely classified as forms of collective investment. By purchasing a share of such a fund... More


It is a decentralized platform based on an open source blockchain. It allows the use of smart contracts and distributed applications (dApps), which minimizes the loss of time, the risk of fraud or... More


EV (Enterprise Value) is a measure of the total value of a company. EV is often used as a more comprehensive alternative to market capitalization. Unlike capitalization, which shows us only the amount... More


EV/EBITDA is the ratio of the company's debt loads and the share price, subtract liquid securities, to the profit received before taxes, dividends, etc. It is more profitable to invest in shares... More



The Federal Reserve System (Fed) consists of 12 regional federal reserve banks. In implementing its policy, the Fed's Board of Governors relies on these banks... More

Fiat money

Fiat money or fiat currencies were issued by the state in the form of treasury notes. Their value was based on trust in the state... More

Fibonacci retracement

Forex traders started using Fibonacci levels as soon as they noticed that asset price fluctuations often repeat this numerical sequence. Moreover, the repetition was so clear that the Fibonacci indicator was built... More


Fintech - financial technologies. This phrase means any innovation in the field of financial services. In other words, everything that makes our relationship... More


FOMC is the Federal Open Market Committee. It is a division that is included as an integral part of the Federal Reserve System of the United States. The Committee began its activity in... More

Forex (FX)

FOREX (FOReign EXchange) stands for exchange of foreign currency. The main thing that needs to be understood on the topic of forex is that the price of the currency is constantly changing... More

Fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis is used to study the financial and economic state of industries, individual companies and their investment attractiveness. Companies are attractive if their... More


Futures are not the simplest financial instruments. They were invented by financiers in order to reduce the risks of changes in the price of an asset in the future. In order to understand... More



A formation on a price chart known as a "GAP", which stands for "price break", is classified as a technical analysis pattern. Under certain conditions, such formation allows to analyze and... More


Gross Domestic Product (GDP) displays the total value of the cost of all goods and services produced/provided by producers within the country for a certain time period... More


GMS (General Meeting of Shareholders) makes the final decision on the payment of dividends. Most often, shareholders agree with the recommendation of the board of directors, but... More

Graphical analysis

Graphical analysis of the market is a subsection of technical analysis in which the investigated element is the chart itself. It is quite easy to learn, while almost all activities... More



The purpose of hedging is to minimize the risks from the trading operations. Hedging strategy will provide an opportunity to neutralize the results of... More


Hyperinflation is inflation at a critical stage. At the same time, there is a progressive increase in prices, which can reach up to 900% per day... More



ICO (Initial Coin Offering) is a way to attract investments through the initial sale of a limited amount of new cryptocurrency. The required number of digital assets is generated in advance in... More


The International Energy Agency (IEA) is an autonomous international organization whose goal is to ensure reliable supplies of affordable and... More


In its more than 70-year history, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has gone from a secondary lender to an organization that determines the economic policy... More


Let's start from the beginning and consider the very first index that appeared in the world: this is the soaring Dow Jones Index... More


Inflation is a long and steady process. It is often confused with a banal price increase. The inflationary process is characterized by... More

Intraday trading

Intraday trading is a difficult topic in the field of the Forex market. In order to achieve significant success, it is necessary to carefully familiarize... More


An investment is an investment of money to generate income or preserve capital. There are financial investments (purchase of securities) and... More

Investment portfolio

An investment portfolio is a set of assets collected in such a way that the income from them corresponds to certain goals of the investor. The portfolio can be formed... More


One of the fundamental indices included in the macroeconomic indicator of any country is the Industrial Production Index (IPI). In order to understand its significance... More


IPO (Initial Public Offering) is the first public offering for free sale on the stock exchange of the company's shares... More


An issuer is a legal entity, an executive body of state power, a local self-government body that, on their own behalf or on behalf of a public legal entity... More


Key rate

The Central Bank's key rate is the basic factor of the value of money in the economy. It is a benchmark for the cost of borrowing at all levels, and also determines... More


The term KYC means Know Your Client. If you want to register with a reputable brocker, it is quite possible that you have heard about the term KYC. It is... More



Leverage is a mechanism to increase the volume of traded funds and accelerate the level of a financial result - positive or negative... More


LIBOR is calculated by the British Banking Association and is the most common indicator of short-term interest rates worldwide. It stands for London Interbank Offer Rate... More


Listing of securities on the stock exchange is a set of rules that defines the procedure for including certain securities in circulation... More


The creation of Litecoin was inspired by the first cryptocurrency Bitcoin. Litecoin serves as a copy of it in many ways. However, instead of competing with Bitcoin, Litecoin complements... More


Liquidity is an opportunity to quickly sell an asset at a price close to the market. From the point of view of liquidity, it is possible to evaluate... More

Long-term trading

Long-term trading is a special type of trading, which is characterized by a long timeframe interval, it can last from two days to several years. Long-term trading is often called positional... More


The abbreviation LTM stands for Last Twelve Months. Such multipliers are calculated based on the indicators for the last 12 months. All financial multipliers can be calculated using LTM... More



MACD is one of the most commonly used indicator in technical analysis. It is an impulse indicator that tracks the trend. That is, it determines whether the trend is... More

Macroeconomic statistics

Macroeconomic statistics means information about changes in the GDP of various countries, data on oil reserves, interest rate dynamics, etc. It seems quite logical that all this... More

Margin call

Losses reduce the margin size and when it reaches a critical value, the trader receives a notification from the broker about the need to fund in the account. This notification is called a Margin Call... More

Margin trading

In margin trading, the investor actually takes a secured loan for trading. A small part of the investor's own funds - the so-called margin - acts as collateral... More

Market maker

Market maker s a legal entity or individual who has concluded an agreement with the exchange to maintain the price level of traded assets. Moreover, the terms of the... More

Markowitz theory

Markowitz was the first to define an approach to the numerical expression of future profitability and risk based on mathematical calculations... More

Mergers and acquisitions

The main goal of mergers and acquisitions is to increase profits. Mergers and acquisitions deals open up opportunities to increase capital, resources and other... More


The MetaTrader information and trading platform is used by several hundred banks and brokerage companies around the world to trade on the Forex market... More


MiFID is a directive developed by the European Union, with the participation of the regulatory exchange authority of the United Kingdom, which replaced the previously... More

Mina protocol

Mina protocol is a decentralized platform that has the lightest blockchain in the world: its size is 22 KB. Thanks to this, many problems are solved, such as... More


Market Value to Realized Value (MVRV) is the ratio of the market capitalization of a particular cryptocurrency to the total realized value of all its coins... More



The NASDAQ exchange originates from the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation. Traditionally, the shares of high-tech companies are traded on this Stock Exchange... More


The NASDAQ 100 index was introduced on January 31, 1985 as a competitor to the NYSE ARCA Tech 100 Index of the New York Stock Exchange introduced three years earlier... More

Nasdaq Composite Index

The Nasdaq Composite is a composite index that is weighted by capitalization. It includes over 3,000 securities of high-tech companies, as well as companies with rapid growth from various industries... More


The Net Asset Value (NAV) is the difference between total assets and total liabilities. In other words, it is the market value of the real estate owned by the REIT... More

Net debt / EBITDA

Net debt / EBITDA is the ratio of net debt to EBITDA of the company (earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation). The multiplier conditionally shows how many years a business needs to pay... More


Non-Farm Payrolls (ТАЗ) is a report on changes in employment in the US economy outside of agriculture. The report is published by by the US Department of Labor... More


NFT or non-fungible tokens - is a unique digital object, whose originality and ownership of which is proven using blockchain technology. Most often, NFTs are bought and sold through the Ethereum... More

Nikkei 225

The Nikkei 225 index (日経平均株価, totally sounds like Nikkei Heikin Kabuka, abbreviation 日経 225) — a key index of the Tokyo stock exchange TSE, including 225 companies in the country of... More


The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) was founded in 1792 and is the largest exchange in the world by trade turnover and capitalization. NYSE is a cherished dream for many firms and companies... More



The project OlympusDAO aims to create an algorithmic decentralized reserve currency that maintains its long-term purchasing power outside the world of fiat currencies or real commodities... More


OPEC is an association of countries that export oil around the world. Structurally, OPEC is a cartel, that is, a community of participants who coordinate actions and strategies... More


Operating Expenses (OPEX) are the costs of ensuring the current activities of the enterprise. The dynamics and magnitude of this indicator help to track the effectiveness of the company... More


An option is one of the most common derivative financial instruments. It enables its owner to buy or sell the underlying asset in the future at a predetermined price. The option can be traded... More


An order is a client's trading order, which the broker relays to the interbank through a common position with other clients. The order can be both for opening a position and for closing... More


Literally, OTC means Over the Counter. This is a market that allows you to make transactions for the purchase/sale of an asset outside of official exchanges. OTC has both disadvantages and advantages... More

OTC Binary

The broker's interface on Saturday or Sunday immediately attracts our attention with OTC letters next to each asset. However, binary brokers already have nothing to do with exchanges, all trades are carried... More

Overnight Interest Rate

In order to contain inflation in a limited range, Central Banks sets the amount of interest rates, including overnight. The purpose of the regulator responsible for the monetary policy... More



The name of the PAMM account comes from Percentage Allocation Management Module or from Percentage Allocation Money Management. From a technical point of view... More


P/BV (Price/Balance Value) is the capitalization of the company divided by the book value of the share capital (assets minus liabilities)... More


The People's Bank of China (PBOC) is the main bank of the People's Republic of China. To date, the PBOC has the largest gold and foreign exchange reserves in the world - they exceed... More


The Personal Consumption Expenditure Index (PCE) is an index created to measure changes in the prices of goods and services over a certain period in the economy... More

Pending order

This type of orders is intended for trading at a certain price that differs from the one that exists at a given time. The pending forex orders themselves have different names. The essence remains... More

P/E Ratio

P/E Ratio (Price/Earnings) is one of the most popular investment multipliers, which shows how undervalued or overvalued the company's shares are for the investor. The popularity of this indicator... More

PEG Ratio

PEG Ratio is stands for P/E to Growth Rate, i.e. it is the ratio of P/E to the company's profit growth indicator. This indicator is used in cases where the company has a traditionally high P/E... More


P/FCF (Price / Free Cash Flow) is a ratio of capitalization and free cash flow. P/FCF < 20 - This value is considered normal. P/FCF < 15 - Indicates a healthy business... More


Pip is a structural unit of a forex quote, this is the following order of price changes. In most currency pairs, quotes of which are represented by four digits after the decimal pip, the pip is the change in the last digit... More


The abbreviation PMI stands for Purchasing Managers' Indices. That is, this is the opinion of specialists engaged in the supply of goods and materials... More


Proof-of-Authority is a consensus algorithm that takes into account the "merits" and the rating of validators. It is considered an effective mechanism for private blockchains... More


Proof-of-Stake is a consensus algorithm presented at the Bitcointalk forum in 2011 as an alternative to PoW. The purpose of this algorithm is to try to correct the main disadvantages of... More


Proof-of-Work is a consensus algorithm that was first introduced in the network of the first Bitcoin cryptocurrency. The concept was first introduced in 1993, and in 1997, Adam Back, one of... More


Producer Price Index, which is the first assessment of price pressure, is quite important for market participants. PPI is a criterion for changing the prices that manufacturers and wholesalers... More

Preferred shares

Preferred shares are understood as securities that bring guaranteed income to their owner. This type of shares is necessary to receive a stable inflow of capital for development... More


P/S (Price-to-Sales) shows the ratio of a company's value to its annual revenue. The lower the indicator, the faster the company will recoup its value from revenue. High P/S - stocks are expensive... More


The work of a trader requires a certain amount of attention, patience, endurance, quick reaction and, sometimes, willingness to take risks. Very often these characteristics... More


P/TBV (Price/Tangible Balance Value) is more conservative valuation method that takes into account only tangible assets from which liabilities are deducted to calculate the denominator... More


The basis of modern blockchains is P2P networks. The abbreviation P2P means Peer-to-Peer or Person-to-Person. Let's look at different types of P2P networks in more detail... More


QE (Quantitative easing)

One of the key instruments of unconventional monetary policy is the purchase of securities by the central bank on the open market. This tool is called Quantitative Easing (QE). The term itself was introduced in... More


The term "quote" comes from the French verb coter, which literally means "to measure". In the future, the term began to be interpreted in the context of the expression financial quote... More


Russell 2000

The Russell 2000 index is one of America's investment indices, which, like most indices, is weighted by capitalization. Originated in the mid-80s of the last century, it allows you... More


The Real Effective Exchange Rate is a specific index of the national currency, the purpose of which is to determine the dynamics of exchange rates and measure the overall balance of currencies... More

Resistance level

As we already know, the market functions due to the activity of sellers and buyers, and changes in the balance between them can occur on a very different scale. This, in turn, generates fluctuations... More

Retail Sales Index

Retail Sales are very carefully monitored by both economists and investors. If consumers do not give a break to cashiers in stores, it means that the economy... More

Risk and Return concept

Investing, like any type of activity, involves risk. In the case of investments, risk means a certain degree of uncertainty leading to adverse consequences in the form of loss of invested capital... More


ROA (Return On Assets) is calculated as the profit / assets of the company. It shows how effectively all the assets of the company work... More


ROE (Return On Equity) is calculated as the profit / equity of the company. It shows how effectively profit is generated at the expense of the company's own funds, excluding liabilities... More


ROS (Return On Sales) is calculated as the profit/revenue of the company. It shows how much profit each dollar of revenue brings. That is, if ROS is 20%, it means that for each... More


The profitability of trading robots is expressed not only in financial terms, but also in time. They can make a profit around the clock, because the computer program does not know fatigue. A trading robot is not a two-legged... More



SaaS is a cloud technology that allows you to use software online without installing it on a computer. The abbreviation SaaS stands for Software as a Service. SaaS resembles rental housing. You rent an apartment... More


One bitcoin is divided into 100 million Satoshi, that is, one satoshi is 0.00000001 BTC. That is, Satoshi for bitcoin is the same as a penny for the US Dollar - the smallest and indivisible unit... More

Satoshi Nakamoto

The main name in the crypto industry — Satoshi Nakamoto — is shrouded in a veil of secrets. The creator of bitcoin has never revealed his identity, which is why new theories about his real name appear with... More


Scalping is a kind of intraday speculative trading strategies based on conducting a variety of short-term transactions to obtain a small profit, which in total gives the desired percentage of profitability... More


The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is the all-powerful federal agency of the United States responsible for full control and regulatory regulation of the securities market and all its participants... More


A security is a document that confirms the various rights of the owner. Mainly, this is the right to fulfill property obligations — to receive a part of the company's profit, return the borrowed money... More

Sell limit

Sell limit is a pending forex sell order in which the price is assumed to be higher than at the moment. The exact opposite of buy limit, that is, for example, we have a downward trend, on which we expect... More

Sell stop

Pending forex orders for sale below the current price value. By analogy with buy stop, these orders imply trading for the continuation of the trend or a reversal with a breakdown... More


Signals are recommendations that a trader can follow when making a decision about buying or selling a financial instrument. They display price levels, as well as the best time to open and close a position. It is worth adding that macroeconomic... More - this is a cryptocurrency trading platform that is registered in Belize (SIGEN IT DEVELOPMENT LLC.) and combines several services: crypto exchange, multi-currency wallet, P2P platform, automatic exchanger... More


SHA-256 is an implementation of one of the many possible hashing algorithms. Due to its (relative) simplicity, sufficient reliability and cryptographic strength, as well as acceptable speed of operation... More

Share buyback

When a company buys back its own shares, then, as a rule, it buys them out of free-float, at the same time, the shares are withdrawn from circulation and the calculation of the company's... More

Sharpe Ratio

One of the first tools of such comparison offered by theorists to investors is the Sharpe Ratio. It was developed in 1966 and is still one of the most popular portfolio assessment tools.... More


This term was coined in 2015 by Philippa Mulgren. Shrinkflation literally means that the product "shrinks" while maintaining value. Then buyers have the illusion that prices are not rising... More


Slippage in trading is execution at a price different from the one stated in the trading order and from the current quote. As a rule, the real price of the trade turns out to be "worse" than the declared... More


SOFR (Secured Overnight Financing Rate) interest rate is based on the data of transactions on several types of repos secured by debt obligations of the US Treasury. SOFR is a type of short-term... More


The Bank of England together with the FCA initiated a global reform to switch to a more effective money market benchmark based on sterling operations - Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA)... More

Sortino Ratio

The Sortino Ratio was developed in the early 90s of the last century by Frank Sortino and represents a modification of the Sharpe Ratio. Like his predecessors F. Sortino considers future profitability as... More


SPAC - Special Purpose Acquisition Company - specialized company for mergers and acquisitions. When a large private company is planning further business development... More


Spread is the difference between the purchase price and the sale price of an asset, security or commodity. This is a term that is widely used in the financial industry... More


The Stablecoin Supply Ratio (SSR) metric evaluates the impact of stablecoins on the bitcoin market. It is calculated as the ratio of the market capitalization of bitcoin to the market... More


Stablecoins (stable coins) took the best from the world of traditional and virtual finance — instant processing, security and confidentiality of payments on the one hand.... More


Stagflation is observed with simultaneous stagnation of economic growth and continued inflation. The freezing of the economy, in theory, should slow down prices, but not everything.... More

Stock Exchange

To date, there are more than 200 stock exchanges with various levels of capitalization around the world. The activities of such financial institutions have an impact on the intensity of... More


An investment in stocks is the purchase of securities for the purpose of obtaining dividends or profits as a result of their sale. Shareholders (owners of shares) take part in the management... More

Stock split

Stock split is the splitting of one stock with a high price into several smaller ones. Moreover, the total value of the resulting securities is equal to the price of the base stock... More

Stock index

Stock indexes are calculated summary indicators consisting of a specific list of companies that reflect the state of a sector, a group of companies on the stock market or the entire market... More

Stop Loss

A stop loss is an order for a broker to automatically sell shares when the quotes fall to a certain level. A kind of loss limiter. Stop-loss insures the investor from too big losses... More

Support level

As we already know, the market functions due to the activity of sellers and buyers, and changes in the balance between them can occur on a very different scale. This, in turn, generates fluctuations... More


In economics, a swap is a trading operation in which two conversion transactions are concluded. For example, it can be the purchase of an asset and its sale after a certain period on the same or... More


SWIFT - Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications. The SWIFT international banking system helps banks to make payments. The system itself is not a payment system... More

Swing trading

Swing trading is a style in which a trader (or investor) transfers a position to the next trading session (the so-called overnight). On average, it means a postponement for a period of 1 to... More


The calculation of this index follows the same principle as for the 500 corporations of the S&P500 index. However, only companies with registered options on the Chicago Stock Exchange can be... More


The S&P500 index is one of the main and most popular stock barometers of the American market. It can be used to objectively judge what dynamics are developing in the market as a whole... More


Technical analysis

Technical analysis is based on the study and use of price charts. The main idea of technical analysis: the price already reflects everything that can affect... More


Tick is the minimum value of the price change for any currency. This is the smallest unit of measurement by which trade is conducted on a global scale. As you know, all movements on the forex market... More


The concept of timeframe means a certain time interval during which the price moves on the chart. If we take the chart, it has the form of two coordinate axes. The first is the value... More

Tobin's Q Ratio

One of the highly specialized indicators used in the fundamental analysis of securities is the Tobin's Q Ratio. This indicator acts as a link between the financial market and... More

Total Debt

Total Debt is the sum of the company's long-term and short-term loans... More


Trader is a common speculator, who buys cheaper and sells dearer. To do this, he needs to have a stock of money - in today's world, this is electronic money. Also, he needs access to... More

Trading bot

Trading bots are programs that use certain trading algorithms and scripts to analyze and recognize trends in the market. Using the API, they can interact with... More

Trading platform

A trading platform (or trading terminal) is a computer program provided by a financial broker that allows a trader to remotely connect to different financial markets and make trades. A person who has not... More

Trading strategy

The word strategy is quite a broad concept and sometimes we confuse strategy with tactics. The components of the trading strategy are the price range, time range... More

Trading system

A good trading system should skillfully give signals both in a trend and in a trading corridor. Even the development of a unique trading system does not guarantee that the owner of the system... More

Trailing stop

Trailing stop is a floating stop loss order, it is quite a popular tool, especially among forex traders. Trailing stop is a kind of stop-loss order, but it has certain specifics.... More


A trend is a directional trend of price changes over a certain time interval. The trend is divided into several types. Also, according to the time on the market, the trend is divided into... More

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

The use of two-factor identification mechanisms affects areas where it is necessary to reliably ensure the security of accounts and personal data. Naturally, it turns out that these... More


US debt

The US national debt is divided into two groups: intragovernment debt is debt obligations owed by the U.S. Government to its own institutions and Public debt is all federal debt owned by... More

US Dollar Index

The US dollar index (ticker denoted as DXY or USDX) is used when analyzing the strength of the US currency against other currencies. The US Federal Reserve System (Fed) uses the dollar index to... More



Volatility is an indicator that characterizes the variability of prices. If the price changes quickly, unevenly and with a large spread during a given period, it means that the volatility is... More

Volatility Index

The volatility index is a calculated indicator that reflects the expectations of market participants regarding the volatility of quotations of a particular exchange asset.... More


The volume included in other technical analysis tools is often considered in isolation or averaged in one way or another. Volume or price analysis cannot be decomposed into simple... More


Wave analysis

Wave analysis is a section of technical analysis based on the theory of market movement according to certain rules outlined by Elliott in the middle of the last century. At first glance, it may seem... More

Working capital

From the point of view of economics, working capital is a set of assets that transfer their value to finished products immediately, in one cycle, and not gradually, like fixed assets... More

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