
Improvement of trading skills for advanced traders

Trading with Ichimoku: the cloud, its purpose and trading signals


Trading with Ichimoku: the cloud, its purpose and trading signals
If you already have basic knowledge of how to work in financial markets and are on the verge of building your own trading system, I recommend studying the Ichimoku indicator. The Ichimoku...
Nov 09, 2022  Read
HKD: Is it worth buying the Hong Kong Dollar


HKD: Is it worth buying the Hong Kong Dollar
The Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) is the official currency of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in China. Today Hong Kong is a kind of "state within a state". Hong Kong was a British...
Oct 18, 2022  Read
PPI index: definition, method of calculation and how to use it


PPI index: definition, method of calculation and how to use it
When making decisions about investing in any assets, it is necessary to analyze not only the performance indicators of specific companies, but also the external environment - the economic...
Oct 16, 2022  Read
Algorithmic trading in financial markets


Algorithmic trading in financial markets
When the DeepBlue chess supercomputer defeated the reigning world champion Garry Kasparov on May 11, 1997, many realized for the first time that computers are capable of solving many...
Oct 12, 2022  Read
About Fear & Greed Index


About Fear & Greed Index
"What has always mattered to me is the key factor that moves the stock market. This is not an analysis, statistics or facts,... no, these are human emotions. As soon as people understand...
Oct 02, 2022  Read
Forex problems – what is the \


Forex problems – what is the "Burnout Effect"
From love to hate is one step.This is what our conversation will be about today.At the beginning of your trading career, you are burning with the market, you are interested in everything...
Jul 20, 2022  Read
Mergers & Acquisitions: types, strategies, examples, advantages & disadvantages


Mergers & Acquisitions: types, strategies, examples, advantages & disadvantages
The strategic goal of any company is business development, increasing its market share, gaining a leading position in the sector, the economy of the region, the country and the world...
Jul 17, 2022  Read
Is it worth investing in bonds


Is it worth investing in bonds
In turbulent times, people are trying to find a "safe haven" for their hard-earned savings. Many still use deposits in the bank for this, but they are drawn to where the profitability...
Jul 17, 2022  Read
Diversification of the investment portfolio: definition & methods of implementation


Diversification of the investment portfolio: definition & methods of implementation
The investor's goal is to receive stable and, if possible, the highest income from the invested funds. But the stock market has a fair share of cunning, arranging the ups and downs...
Jul 16, 2022  Read
What is CAPEX and why is it important for an investor


What is CAPEX and why is it important for an investor
When making investment decisions, investors pay attention to many different metrics and performance indicators of companies. The greatest attention is usually paid to the indicators...
Jul 11, 2022  Read
USD/CNY, currency, Is it worth buying Chinese Yuan CNY


Is it worth buying Chinese Yuan CNY
Many investors pay attention to the Chinese yuan as an alternative option for savings and investments.  Is it worth investing in the yuan now? It is far from easy to answer. It...
Jul 11, 2022  Read
How to protect savings from inflation


How to protect savings from inflation
Inflation is not only an economist's nightmare. When inflation breaks records and stays at high levels for a long time, everyone feels its effect: collapsing incomes, unstable price...
Jul 09, 2022  Read
What is a Free float


What is a Free float
Shares are equity securities that secure the right to own a part of the company that issued the shares. In this case, the ownership share is defined as the number of shares held by...
Jul 09, 2022  Read
Recession in the US in 2022


Recession in the US in 2022
“You make most of your money in a bear market, you just don’t realize it at the time.” Shelby Cullom DavisNo process in the economy proceeds completely evenly, development always...
Jul 08, 2022  Read
Carry Trade: explanation of what it is and how to use it


Carry Trade: explanation of what it is and how to use it
Carry trade is a trading strategy based on the difference in interest rates in different countries. Literally translated, it means "to transfer trade", but, having no analogues in Russian,...
Jul 08, 2022  Read
How to invest in Biotech companies


How to invest in Biotech companies
In this article, we will look at the specifics of investments in biotechnology in the US market. First, let's figure out what biotech companies are actually doing, look at the industry...
Jul 07, 2022  Read
What is a stock split in simple words


What is a stock split in simple words
Stock splits are quite common in the global stock market. Of the last known ones faced by investors, there is a split of Tesla and Apple shares. Moreover, this is the fourth split for...
Jul 05, 2022  Read
Venture Capital Fund: what is it and how it works


Venture Capital Fund: what is it and how it works
The modern economy is a complex structure in which a separate place belongs to investments. The latter, in turn, with the simplest classification, can be divided into risky and relatively...
Jul 05, 2022  Read
GBP/NZD, currency, GBP/NZD: signals & trading forecasts, features, characteristics, analysis


GBP/NZD: signals & trading forecasts, features, characteristics, analysis
In terms of activity, the Pound Sterling currency pair against the New Zealand Dollar (GBP/NZD) is one of the most volatile crosses with GBP, which is what many investors use, but the...
Jun 30, 2022  Read
NZD/CHF, currency, NZD/CHF: characteristics, features, signals, analysis & trading forecasts


NZD/CHF: characteristics, features, signals, analysis & trading forecasts
The New Zealand Dollar against the Swiss Franc (NZD/CHF) is a rather exotic and volatile cross–pair, as contradictory as the economies of the countries participating in it. Currencies...
May 15, 2022  Read
CAD/JPY, currency, CAD/JPY: features, characteristics, signals, analytics & trading forecasts


CAD/JPY: features, characteristics, signals, analytics & trading forecasts
The Canadian dollar to Japanese yen cross-pair is not one of the most popular tools among forex traders, however, due to some of its advantages, it has a certain number of fans who...
May 15, 2022  Read
GBP/AUD, currency, GBP/AUD: features, characteristics, signals, analysis & trading forecasts


GBP/AUD: features, characteristics, signals, analysis & trading forecasts
The GBP/AUD currency pair is characterized by volatility of decent strength with a sharp appearance of candlesticks with a length of 50-100 points, which is typical for most pairs with...
May 15, 2022  Read
CAD/CHF, currency, CAD/CHF: description, characteristics, trading forecasts and feautures of the pair


CAD/CHF: description, characteristics, trading forecasts and feautures of the pair
Currency pairs with the Swiss franc are traditionally characterized by a calm rhythm of trading, practically without sharp fluctuations, and CAD/CHF is no exception in this regard.Also,...
May 15, 2022  Read
USD/NOK, currency, USD/NOK: description, characteristics, trading signals and feautures of the pair


USD/NOK: description, characteristics, trading signals and feautures of the pair
The US dollar and the Norwegian Franc – the USD NOK currency pair belongs to the so-called "exotic" because one of its components - the Norwegian Krone (NOK), is not among the most...
May 14, 2022  Read
USD/SEK, currency, USD/SEK: description, characteristics, online trading forecasts and feautures


USD/SEK: description, characteristics, online trading forecasts and feautures
Another exotic highly volatile currency pair with a crown, but this time Swedish – USD/SEK.This instrument is similar in many respects to another Scandinavian pair – USD/NOK, but...
May 14, 2022  Read
USD/MXN, currency, USD/MXN: quotes, signals, online trading forecasts for today, characteristics and features


USD/MXN: quotes, signals, online trading forecasts for today, characteristics and features
A fairly rare currency pair on Forex is the US Dollar – Mexican Peso (USD/MXN). The instrument is characterized by one of the highest levels of volatility among Forex currency pairs...
May 11, 2022  Read
USD/ZAR, currency, USDZAR - description, characteristics, forecasts and feautures of the pair


USDZAR - description, characteristics, forecasts and feautures of the pair
The US Dollar against the South African Rand is not a very popular exotic instrument on the international market, but one of the most popular in comparison with other "exotics" such...
May 07, 2022  Read
EUR/USD, currency, USDPLN - description, characteristics, forecasts and feautures of the pair


USDPLN - description, characteristics, forecasts and feautures of the pair
Another "exotic" of the international currency market is the US Dollar vs Polish Zloty pair. The instrument does not stand out with any special advantages, therefore it will mainly...
May 07, 2022  Read
USD/CNH, currency, USD/CNY, currency, USD/CNH - description, characteristics, forecasts and feautures of pair


USD/CNH - description, characteristics, forecasts and feautures of pair
The US Dollar – Chinese Yuan currency pair is very interesting because it has two parallel rates at once: the official PRC (USD/CNY pair) and the so-called "offshore Chinese yuan"...
Apr 19, 2022  Read
Own time and timeframes in stock trading and Forex market


Own time and timeframes in stock trading and Forex market
Any trading system has several specific parameters and rules according to which trading positions are opened and closed. It is impossible to create a high-quality system that would...
Apr 18, 2022  Read
Emotions in the market – how to get rid of them?


Emotions in the market – how to get rid of them?
Most newcomers, making their first transactions on the market, do not even think about the fact that they are ruled by such feelings as greed, fear, hope, uncertainty or vice versa,...
Apr 18, 2022  Read
Intuition in trading on the stock exchange and forex


Intuition in trading on the stock exchange and forex
Among traders, as a rule, 2 main groups can be distinguished – these are system traders (who trade using any system) and intuitive traders (who do not have a system as such, but nevertheless...
Apr 18, 2022  Read
Corporate Debt. Friend or foe for companies?


Corporate Debt. Friend or foe for companies?
About corporate obligations and reportingDebt burden is the most dangerous enemy of good reporting. A company can have good revenue, growing profits, excellent prospects, but all this...
Apr 10, 2022  Read
USD/DKK, currency, USD/DKK: exchange rate, online chart, signals & forecasts for today


USD/DKK: exchange rate, online chart, signals & forecasts for today
USD/DKK is an exotic Scandinavian currency pair with the Danish krona. It's not that it was quite uncommon, but the total volume of transactions in comparison with the most popular...
Mar 30, 2022  Read
EUR/SGD, currency, EUR/SGD: quotes, chart online, signals, analysis & forecasts for today


EUR/SGD: quotes, chart online, signals, analysis & forecasts for today
Euro/The Singapore Dollar is a rare exotic cross–instrument of the international currency market with relatively little liquidity, which results in a considerable spread and volatility...
Mar 30, 2022  Read
GBP/CHF, currency, GBP/CHF: online signals, forecasts for today, analysis & features


GBP/CHF: online signals, forecasts for today, analysis & features
The British Pound / Swiss Franc (GBP/CHF) is a purely European cross–pair with an average level of liquidity, which is why the spreads on it at brokers have a decent size at the level...
Mar 30, 2022  Read
EUR/NZD, currency, EUR/NZD: quotes, online chart, signals and forecasts for today


EUR/NZD: quotes, online chart, signals and forecasts for today
The Euro/New Zealand Dollar (EUR/NZD) is not a very common cross–pair on the international currency markets, but it cannot be called fully exotic either. Volatility, depending on...
Mar 30, 2022  Read
AUD/NZD, currency, AUD/NZD: quotes, signals & forecasts for today, analysis & features


AUD/NZD: quotes, signals & forecasts for today, analysis & features
The Australian dollar against the New Zealand dollar is an interesting combination of one cross pair of two almost identical commodity currencies in the Pacific region.AUDNZD online...
Mar 29, 2022  Read
EUR/NOK, currency, EUR/NOK: exchange rate, signals, online forecast for today & analysis


EUR/NOK: exchange rate, signals, online forecast for today & analysis
The euro against the Norwegian krone is a cross-pair belonging to the category of exotic in the foreign exchange market, popular, for the most part, among local traders in Scandinavia,...
Mar 28, 2022  Read
EUR/CAD, currency, EUR/CAD: signals, forecasts, exchange rate chart (online) and quotes


EUR/CAD: signals, forecasts, exchange rate chart (online) and quotes
The Euro against the Canadian Dollar is a cross currency instrument of the Forex market, characterized by sufficient volatility - 130-200 points, exceeding the average values for most...
Mar 28, 2022  Read
EUR/AUD, currency, EUR/AUD: exchange rate, online quotes, signals, forecasts & analytics


EUR/AUD: exchange rate, online quotes, signals, forecasts & analytics
EUR AUD forecast for today onlineMaking accurate forecasts for this pair is not an easy task, since the currencies involved in it and the factors affecting their exchange rate are very...
Mar 27, 2022  Read
EUR/CHF, currency, EUR/CHF: exchange rate, online quotes, signals and forecast for today


EUR/CHF: exchange rate, online quotes, signals and forecast for today
EUR/CHF forecast for today online. Most of the time, EUR CHF is characterized by stability and high predictability, however, in an environment where serious economic crises flare...
Mar 27, 2022  Read
EUR/TRY, currency, EUR/TRY: online quotes, signals and forecasts for today


EUR/TRY: online quotes, signals and forecasts for today
Euro/Turkish Lira is an exotic cross-pair on Forex, inferior not only to traditional instruments, but even USD/TRY in its popularity, but not in profitability.An experienced trader...
Mar 27, 2022  Read
USD/SGD, currency, USD/SGD: exchange rate online, signals and forecast for today


USD/SGD: exchange rate online, signals and forecast for today
American Dollar/The Singapore Dollar (USD/SGD) is not the most common, but also not in the full sense an exotic Forex instrument, characterized by significant, but low volatility.Dynamism,...
Mar 26, 2022  Read
GBP/PLN: quotes, signals and forecasts for today, chart


GBP/PLN: quotes, signals and forecasts for today, chart
Pound Sterling Pair/The Polish Zloty (GBP/PLN) is an exotic financial instrument of the Forex market, which has low liquidity, and therefore a rather impressive spread size (at the...
Mar 26, 2022  Read
EUR/ZAR, currency, EUR/ZAR: exchange rate, signals, forecast for today and chart


EUR/ZAR: exchange rate, signals, forecast for today and chart
Euro/South African Rand (EUR/ZAR) is an exotic cross–pair of the international currency market with the highest volatility, reaching 2000-2500 points per day.Experienced scalpers...
Mar 26, 2022  Read
AUD/USD, currency, AUDUSD: analysis, signals, forecast for today and quotes


AUDUSD: analysis, signals, forecast for today and quotes
AUD/USD ("Aussie") is a currency pair popular among traders, consisting of the Australian and American dollars.The base currency in this combination is AUD, that is, when buying a pair,...
Mar 22, 2022  Read
Ethereum/USD, cryptocurrency, Everyone is talking about NFT. What is it and how to make money on it?


Everyone is talking about NFT. What is it and how to make money on it?
The world's first SMS was sold at auction as a work of art in December of this year.The mobile operator Vodafone has posted a screenshot of the message Merry Christmas ("Merry Christmas")....
Feb 22, 2022  Read
Ethereum/USD, cryptocurrency, New risks of NFT investors


New risks of NFT investors
The hype around NFT investments still persists, but 2022 began with criticism of this technology. It is compared to the “Wild West” - a very high-risk territory. And first of all,...
Jan 17, 2022  Read
Piotroski F-Score method - how to determine a quality company using a single indicator


Piotroski F-Score method - how to determine a quality company using a single indicator
The Piotroski F-Score method is a method of valuing stocks by 9 criteria. This method was developed by Stanford accounting Professor Joseph D. Piotroski.Principle of operationIt works...
Jan 17, 2022  Read
Training and tactics of binary options trading


Training and tactics of binary options trading
Recently, I have often been asked about playing binary options. Admittedly, such questions put me at a dead end. For me personally, binary options are not a game. After all, these are...
Jan 15, 2022  Read
What is a bond offer?


What is a bond offer?
An offer is an offer for early repayment of debt on bonds, the terms of which are prescribed by the issuer in advance in the issue prospectus.There are two types of offers:Call-offer,...
Jan 15, 2022  Read
How Portfolio Investing Works


How Portfolio Investing Works
Portfolio investmentsMany investors have a question, why is it necessary to form an investment portfolio in principle? Why can't you buy one of the best assets and get the maximum return...
Jan 15, 2022  Read
How is inflation considered in the United States?


How is inflation considered in the United States?
How is inflation measured in the US? Inflation is rising all over the world. We often see “Consumer Price Index” (CPI or CPI) in the headlines. It measures inflation and is...
Dec 23, 2021  Read
International Monetary Fund (IMF): history, objectives, structure, capital


International Monetary Fund (IMF): history, objectives, structure, capital
IntroductionIn its more than 70-year history, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has gone from a secondary lender to an organization that determines the economic policy of most developing...
Dec 19, 2021  Read
How to choose the right bonds for an investor, and when to buy them


How to choose the right bonds for an investor, and when to buy them
Bond yields have increased significantly in recent months due to rising rates - and given the growing uncertainty in the stock market, many investors have begun to pay attention to...
Dec 19, 2021  Read
What are Fibonacci Retracement Levels and how to use them


What are Fibonacci Retracement Levels and how to use them
We must express our gratitude to the Italian mathematician Leonardo from Pisa, or as they say – the Pisan (1170-1250). He was better known to his friends by the nickname "Fibonacci"...
Dec 13, 2021  Read
Why not rely too much on Market Ratios


Why not rely too much on Market Ratios
From May 2020 to November 2021, the S&P 500 index grew by 58%. At the same time, the P/E ratio (Price/Earnings) has changed very slightly: from 20 to 21. If we go back in time,...
Nov 25, 2021  Read
Briefly about SPAC and what is it?


Briefly about SPAC and what is it?
Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) - specialized company for mergers and acquisitions.Any large company dreams of putting its shares on the stock exchange, this indicates a...
Nov 25, 2021  Read
How to evaluate growing companies? PEG Ratio


How to evaluate growing companies? PEG Ratio
Very often there is a situation in the market when a company is highly overvalued by all multipliers, but time passes, and it shows all new highs. What is the reason? The fact is that...
Nov 25, 2021  Read
Multipliers for the investor. What are there and how to use them correctly?


Multipliers for the investor. What are there and how to use them correctly?
P/E multiplier: good or bad?The P/E multiplier (price/profit) is one of the most popular, however, it may be incorrect to use it to compare companies in some cases.Price-to-Earning...
Nov 19, 2021  Read
Bitcoin/USD, cryptocurrency, How to invest in cryptocurrency: direct & indirect investments


How to invest in cryptocurrency: direct & indirect investments
The popularity of cryptocurrencies is growing every day. The main and most well-known cryptocurrency is Bitcoin (Bitcoin). Many investors around the world follow Bitcoin quotes, which...
Nov 09, 2021  Read
Dow Jones, index, NASDAQ 100, index, S&P 500, index, RUSSELL 2000, index, NASDAQ Composite, index, About US stock indexes


About US stock indexes
The US economy, being the largest in the world, attracts the attention of a huge number of investors from many countries. The attractiveness of the US market is due to a wide variety...
Nov 09, 2021  Read
What are arbitration trades and arbitration strategies?


What are arbitration trades and arbitration strategies?
The concept of "arbitration" has long and firmly entered our lives. We hear about fair decisions of the referee during sports broadcasts. The Arbitration Court resolves commercial disputes...
Nov 01, 2021  Read
What are futures and how to make money on them


What are futures and how to make money on them
Futures are not the simplest financial instruments. They were invented by financiers in order to reduce the risks of changes in the price of an asset in the future. In order to understand...
Oct 30, 2021  Read
Share buyback: goals, procedure and impact on the company


Share buyback: goals, procedure and impact on the company
Almost all practicing investors sooner or later in the stock market face such a process as the repurchase of shares by a company. This process is also called Buyback.In this article,...
Oct 29, 2021  Read
What is the Board of Directors of the company?


What is the Board of Directors of the company?
When evaluating an investment idea, investors often analyze in detail only the financial performance of the company. This is certainly important information that gives an idea of how...
Oct 29, 2021  Read
What is an additional issue of shares?


What is an additional issue of shares?
The additional issue as a procedure applicable to securities is important not only for the issuing company, but also for the investor. Moreover, the effect for different parties is...
Oct 29, 2021  Read
What is the Risk and Return Concept


What is the Risk and Return Concept
Investing, like any type of activity, involves risk. In the case of investments, risk means a certain degree of uncertainty leading to adverse consequences in the form of loss of invested...
Oct 28, 2021  Read
P/E Ratio: what it is needed for and how it is calculated


P/E Ratio: what it is needed for and how it is calculated
P/E Ratio (Price/Earnings) is one of the most popular investment multipliers, which shows how undervalued or overvalued the company's shares are for the investor. The popularity of...
Oct 28, 2021  Read
Markowitz theory. Ways to select an investment portfolio


Markowitz theory. Ways to select an investment portfolio
Getting as much income as possible while risking as little as possible is the dream of every investor. Not only millions of stock market participants, but also major scientists, including...
Oct 28, 2021  Read
What is the essence of the Sharpe Ratio and what is it for?


What is the essence of the Sharpe Ratio and what is it for?
The natural desire of any investor to get the greatest income without risking anything. Unfortunately, this is not feasible in practice. The profitability of investments is closely...
Oct 28, 2021  Read
What is the Sortino Ratio and how to use it


What is the Sortino Ratio and how to use it
Any investor always has to balance between the profitability and the risk of their investments. As a general rule, the higher the yield, the greater the risk. Of course, you can set...
Oct 28, 2021  Read
Ethereum/USD, cryptocurrency, Bitcoin/USD, cryptocurrency, What is an airdrop of cryptocurrencies - is the game worth the candle


What is an airdrop of cryptocurrencies - is the game worth the candle
2018 is rightly called the year of ICO. Indeed, a huge number of blockchain projects can be counted this year. But how can you distinguish your idea from such a multitude? How to attract...
Oct 27, 2021  Read
What is macroeconomic statistics? Macrostatistics aggregators and their examples


What is macroeconomic statistics? Macrostatistics aggregators and their examples
Many novice traders have heard about the impact of macroeconomic statistics on the dynamics of trading on Stock Exchanges. In various analytical reviews, you can find information about...
Oct 25, 2021  Read
Trading Binary Options on the weekend


Trading Binary Options on the weekend
In this article, I would like to touch on such an interesting phenomenon as weekend binary options (OTC). Thanks to the OTC, binary options trading on the weekend has become a reality,...
Oct 25, 2021  Read
Why do drawdowns occur in trading and what to do with them?


Why do drawdowns occur in trading and what to do with them?
Today I would like to discuss with you such an important topic as drawdowns in trading on Forex, stocks, cryptocurrencies and binary options. Well, I hope it's no secret today that...
Oct 25, 2021  Read
Trader\'s Fears


Trader's Fears
Well, today I propose to discuss the topic of fears in trading. Actually, everyone has fears. Don't tell me you're not afraid of anything, that you're the fearless Chuck Norris. I won't...
Oct 25, 2021  Read
Trader\'s discipline. Seven reasons of excessive trading


Trader's discipline. Seven reasons of excessive trading
In general, if we talk about the discipline of traders, the main points have long been known: you need to keep a trader's diary, follow money management, trade strictly according to...
Oct 21, 2021  Read
The broker does not withdraw money. What to do?


The broker does not withdraw money. What to do?
Well, today we will talk about how to withdraw money on Forex, stock market, cryptocurrency market and binary options and what to do if the broker does not withdraw money.To begin with,...
Oct 20, 2021  Read
The role of luck and intuition in trading


The role of luck and intuition in trading
Today I would like to touch on the topic of intuition and good luck in trading. Yes, intuition and luck are not the same thing, but in the matter of trading, these concepts are somewhat...
Oct 19, 2021  Read
Trader\'s Psychology: simple, but important rules and exercises


Trader's Psychology: simple, but important rules and exercises
The work of a trader requires a certain amount of attention, patience, endurance, quick reaction and, sometimes, willingness to take risks. Very often these characteristics are even...
Oct 19, 2021  Read
How to choose music for trading


How to choose music for trading
Did you know that music can affect trading? More precisely, the results of trading. Actually, with the help of music, you can not only increase your efficiency in trading, but also...
Oct 19, 2021  Read
Mergers and acquisitions of companies: goals, types, features, pros and cons


Mergers and acquisitions of companies: goals, types, features, pros and cons
It is difficult for small companies to compete with large companies that have long occupied a niche in their industry. For a successful start in business, you need an impressive capital...
Oct 14, 2021  Read
Government Securities: concept, types and purposes of issue


Government Securities: concept, types and purposes of issue
The purchase of securities is a great way to save and increase your capital. Working with them is quite comfortable: they are clear, liquid and suitable for regular trading at a calm...
Oct 14, 2021  Read
Conditions necessary for hyperinflation to occur


Conditions necessary for hyperinflation to occur
Hyperinflation, as a rule, is a macroeconomic consequence of strong shocks in the history of a country: war (in Germany after World War I and in Hungary after World War II) or collapse...
Oct 14, 2021  Read
The value of the Central Bank\'s Key Rate for the financial market


The value of the Central Bank's Key Rate for the financial market
About the Central Bank's stimulating and restraining policyThe value of the Central Bank's key interest rate for the financial market. The Central Bank's key rate is the basic factor...
Oct 13, 2021  Read
Real Effective Exchange Rate of currencies (REER): calculation method and application


Real Effective Exchange Rate of currencies (REER): calculation method and application
Most investors and traders are almost daily faced with a nominal exchange rate - when the value of the currency of one state is expressed in another currency. In other words, this is...
Oct 13, 2021  Read
ESTR Interest Rate: calculation and application


ESTR Interest Rate: calculation and application
The euro has its own benchmark.A new benchmark rate has already started operating in the European Union money market, which may soon replace the LIBOR benchmark, which is losing popularity....
Oct 12, 2021  Read
SONIA Interest Rate: calculation and application


SONIA Interest Rate: calculation and application
Even the UK, which is the birthplace of the LIBOR benchmark, has found an option to replace it. The Bank of England together with the FCA are initiating a global reform to switch from...
Oct 12, 2021  Read
Tobin\'s Q Ratio: calculation, application and features


Tobin's Q Ratio: calculation, application and features
One of the highly specialized indicators used in the fundamental analysis of securities is the Tobin's Q Ratio. This indicator acts as a link between the financial market and the real...
Oct 12, 2021  Read
What is the Best Execution of client requests?


What is the Best Execution of client requests?
The development of the financial market leads to the consistent development of its regulation. In order to protect customers from unfair practices and increase market transparency,...
Oct 11, 2021  Read
What is a Benchmark in investment and trading


What is a Benchmark in investment and trading
How to identify the mood in the stock market as a whole or in one of its sectors? How can I find out the current situation in the money or futures market? To do this, investors and...
Oct 11, 2021  Read
What is Working Capital


What is Working Capital
Importance in the economy, specifics, calculation procedure and evaluation of indicatorsOne of the main concepts in the analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise is working...
Oct 11, 2021  Read
What are bonds with amortization?


What are bonds with amortization?
The usual format for receiving income on a bond is the payment of the nominal amount at the end of its circulation period. Until then, the owner of the paper receives coupon payments...
Oct 11, 2021  Read
The Black-Scholes model - the basis of modern pricing of option contracts


The Black-Scholes model - the basis of modern pricing of option contracts
Options are one of the main types of derivative financial instruments (derivatives). They give an opportunity (not an obligation) to their owner to buy a certain asset in the future...
Oct 09, 2021  Read
What is the difference between stock options and OTC options


What is the difference between stock options and OTC options
An option is one of the most common derivative financial instruments. It enables its owner to buy or sell the underlying asset in the future at a predetermined price. The option can...
Oct 09, 2021  Read
What is the devaluation of currency


What is the devaluation of currency
There are several economic terms related to currency that can be confused with each other - devaluation, inflation and denomination. Today we will talk about devaluation: what it means,...
Oct 09, 2021  Read
What is a Bond: types, risks, difference from stock, pros and cons


What is a Bond: types, risks, difference from stock, pros and cons
Although bonds are not the most popular among the investment instruments available today, they are definitely included in the "must-have" category. They are present in many investment...
Oct 07, 2021  Read
What is shrinkflation?


What is shrinkflation?
Buyers are used to goods weighing one kilogram or a volume of one liter, but today it is difficult to meet such packaging. We buy 875 ml of milk and 900 grams of rice and often do not...
Oct 07, 2021  Read
US Dollar Index, index, US national debt: why it is growing all the time


US national debt: why it is growing all the time
One of the most discussed topics of the American economy is the huge size of the US national debt. Its total volume at the end of 2020 amounted to about $ 27 trillion, which means that...
Oct 07, 2021  Read
Issuer of securities: definition, types and features


Issuer of securities: definition, types and features
An issuer is a legal entity, an executive body of state power, a local self-government body that, on their own behalf or on behalf of a public legal entity, have obligations to the...
Oct 07, 2021  Read
How to make money on stock dividends


How to make money on stock dividends
In order to receive dividends on a stock, it is not necessary to buy a security and hold it for a whole year. It is enough to purchase a share 2 days before the closing date of the...
Oct 05, 2021  Read
About the SWIFT Global Interbank System


About the SWIFT Global Interbank System
SWIFT - Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications.The SWIFT international banking system helps banks to make payments. The system itself is not a payment system -...
Oct 05, 2021  Read
Who are Market Makers and what are they doing on the market?


Who are Market Makers and what are they doing on the market?
The financial market is a complex system of many structures that operates according to its own laws and rules. Market makers have become a significant element of it. It is widely believed...
Oct 05, 2021  Read
What is delisting on the stock exchange?


What is delisting on the stock exchange?
What to do if it concerns your assets.Delisting of securities is one of the scenarios for which every investor should be ready. In this article, we will analyze in detail why delisting...
Oct 05, 2021  Read
Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME): history, structure, advantages and features


Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME): history, structure, advantages and features
From the article you will learn why you should pay attention to this exchange at all, how to start trading on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, what assets are traded there and how profitable...
Oct 01, 2021  Read
People\'s Bank of China (PBOC) - history, structure and functions


People's Bank of China (PBOC) - history, structure and functions
The People's Bank of China (PBOC) is the main bank of the People's Republic of China. To date, the PBOC has the largest gold and foreign exchange reserves in the world - they exceed...
Oct 01, 2021  Read
What is a Trailing stop and how to use it?


What is a Trailing stop and how to use it?
Every trader knows what a stop loss order is. Much has been written and said about the necessity and features of its application. Trailing stop - what is it, and how to use this tool...
Oct 01, 2021  Read
What is Due Diligence and how to conduct it?


What is Due Diligence and how to conduct it?
How to check a business before a transaction and whether a private investor can do it on his ownThe term Due Diligence is used to characterize the due diligence of a counterparty before...
Sep 30, 2021  Read
Swaps in the financial market. What are they and what are they given to the trader


Swaps in the financial market. What are they and what are they given to the trader
In economics, a swap is a trading operation in which two conversion transactions are concluded. For example, it can be the purchase of an asset (securities, currency) and its sale after...
Sep 30, 2021  Read
What is Quantitative Easing (QE) and its impact on financial markets


What is Quantitative Easing (QE) and its impact on financial markets
How does the central banks' asset purchase policy affect the market.One of the key instruments of unconventional monetary policy is the purchase of securities by the central bank on...
Sep 30, 2021  Read
What is the Overnight Interest Rate?


What is the Overnight Interest Rate?
Overnight Interest Rate - a tool for short-term investments.When money is a dead weight, it begins to depreciate. If we are talking about several dollars - it's not so scary. And if...
Sep 30, 2021  Read
What is a stock split? Why do companies split their shares


What is a stock split? Why do companies split their shares
Stock split is the splitting of one stock with a high price into several smaller ones. Moreover, the total value of the resulting securities is equal to the price of the base stock....
Sep 30, 2021  Read
What is Deflation: signs, causes and consequences


What is Deflation: signs, causes and consequences
Deflation is an increase in the real value of money and a decrease in the overall level of prices for goods, works and services.Deflation is the opposite of inflation. The consequences...
Sep 30, 2021  Read
Causes of inflation and scientific approaches to their study


Causes of inflation and scientific approaches to their study
Inflation is a long and steady process. It is often confused with a banal price increase. The inflationary process is characterized by a general increase in prices - a deflator of GDP,...
Sep 30, 2021  Read
S&P 500 Stock Index - history, calculation and forecasting


S&P 500 Stock Index - history, calculation and forecasting
The S&P 500 stock index includes shares of 500 American companies with the largest capitalization. The lists of companies are compiled by the analytical company Standart & Poor's,...
Sep 30, 2021  Read
NASDAQ 100, index, Index NASDAQ 100 - history, advantages and what it depends on


Index NASDAQ 100 - history, advantages and what it depends on
There are two significant sub - indexes in the high - tech NASDAQ index: these are the NASDAQ 100 index and the NASDAQ Biotechnology Index. The first of them includes hundreds of the...
Sep 30, 2021  Read
Nikkei 225, index, Nikkei 225 Index - history, calculation and the features


Nikkei 225 Index - history, calculation and the features
The Nikkei 225 index (日経平均株価, totally sounds like Nikkei Heikin Kabuka, abbreviation 日経 225) — a key index of the Tokyo stock exchange TSE (東京証券取引所),...
Sep 30, 2021  Read
About the Big Mac Index and its competitors


About the Big Mac Index and its competitors
For more than 30 years, The Economist magazine has been calculating the Big Mac Index. Below you will find out what this indicator is, on the basis of which it is calculated and what...
Sep 29, 2021  Read
The DAX index – history of its creation, structure and features


The DAX index – history of its creation, structure and features
The DAX stock index, being an abbreviation of Deutscher Aktienindex, is a key German stock index that is traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.According to European traditions, the...
Sep 29, 2021  Read
Bank of Canada (BoC): history, structure and activity


Bank of Canada (BoC): history, structure and activity
The Bank of Canada is the central banking institution of Canada.History of the formation and development of the Bank of CanadaThe above-mentioned banking institution was founded back...
Sep 29, 2021  Read
What is the US Dollar Index DXY and how to trade it?


What is the US Dollar Index DXY and how to trade it?
The US dollar index (ticker denoted as DXY or USDX) is used when analyzing the strength of the US currency against other currencies. The US Federal Reserve System (FRS) uses the dollar...
Sep 29, 2021  Read
ECN Forex account: what is it?


ECN Forex account: what is it?
All forex traders have encountered the concept of ecn accounts at least once in their practice, but not everyone understands what it is and what it is eaten with.So, ECN account what...
Sep 29, 2021  Read
SAP, stock, ERP systems: which one can be chosen to solve business problems?


ERP systems: which one can be chosen to solve business problems?
The "paper" era of companies is a thing of the past: competitive enterprises strive to automate business processes as much as possible and simplify their management. The computer technology...
Sep 29, 2021  Read
How to read and use the Economic Calendar in trading


How to read and use the Economic Calendar in trading
Fluctuations in the stock market and Forex occur depending on two main factors, namely the technical aspect of the market and its fundamental aspect. That's why the vast majority of...
Sep 29, 2021  Read
EU Directives MiFID and MiFID II – what they are and how they work


EU Directives MiFID and MiFID II – what they are and how they work
What are MiFID and MiFID IIMiFID is a directive developed by the European Union, with the participation of the regulatory exchange authority of the United Kingdom, which replaced the...
Sep 28, 2021  Read
EPS: about Earnings Per Share with examples in simple words


EPS: about Earnings Per Share with examples in simple words
It is very important for an investor to assess how well his risks will be justified, and what profit he should expect.To solve such problems in the world practice of fundamental analysis,...
Sep 28, 2021  Read
LIBOR: what does it mean and how is it calculated?


LIBOR: what does it mean and how is it calculated?
LIBOR is calculated by the British Banking Association and is the most common indicator of short-term interest rates worldwide. It stands for London Interbank Offer Rate, which in an...
Sep 28, 2021  Read
What is the SOFR interest rate?


What is the SOFR interest rate?
In 2014, the US Federal Reserve laid the foundation for the search for a new index by organizing a committee that monitored alternative interest rates. The main reason for the desire...
Sep 28, 2021  Read


"Blue chips" of the US market
Almost every investor who comes to the stock market immediately comes across such a term as "blue chips". However, most investors do not fully understand what its meaning is, and where...
Sep 28, 2021  Read
Forex: trading in the Asian session and its features


Forex: trading in the Asian session and its features
If we do not take into account the Pacific trading session, which does not really affect the market, we can say that the Asian session gives rise to active tradingIt is considered to...
Sep 28, 2021  Read
What is Slippage in trading?


What is Slippage in trading?
When setting the parameters of each trading order, the trader determines the conditions for its execution for the broker: the price at which you need to enter and exit the market, as...
Sep 26, 2021  Read
What timeframe is the best to trade on


What timeframe is the best to trade on
The concept of timeframe means a certain time interval during which the price moves on the chart. If we take the Forex chart, it has the form of two coordinate axes. The first is the...
Sep 26, 2021  Read
Long-term Forex trading


Long-term Forex trading
A trader with experience knows that there are two types of trading on the Forex financial market, if you are a beginner, then carefully study all available sources of information regarding...
Sep 26, 2021  Read
Features of intraday trading on the Forex market


Features of intraday trading on the Forex market
Intraday trading is a difficult topic in the field of the Forex market. In order to achieve significant success, it is necessary to carefully familiarize yourself with all the nuances...
Sep 26, 2021  Read
Forex Strategies: 4 main elements of any trading system


Forex Strategies: 4 main elements of any trading system
As each exchange player accumulates trading experience, he begins to understand that an individual trading strategy is necessary for stable operation. Without a well-defined algorithm...
Sep 25, 2021  Read
3 market situations when a stop order can and should be modified


3 market situations when a stop order can and should be modified
The desire to move the Stop Loss order in the hope that the market will still turn in a profitable direction is the problem of most traders. Such a temptation is inherent in stock market...
Sep 25, 2021  Read
How to trade on Gaps


How to trade on Gaps
The lion's share of speculators, who can rightly be called Forex market pros, will never miss the opportunity to conduct trading operations on gaps. A fairly large amount of literature...
Sep 25, 2021  Read
Stock market Broker: how to choose it and how to work with it


Stock market Broker: how to choose it and how to work with it
We understand why you need a broker, how to choose it and what will happen to your money if it suddenly loses its license.Who is a broker and what does he do?If you decide to trade...
Sep 22, 2021  Read
What is OTC and what are its features


What is OTC and what are its features
What is OTCLiterally, OTC means Over the Counter. This is a market that allows you to make transactions for the purchase/sale of an asset outside of official exchanges.OTC has both...
Sep 22, 2021  Read
The main components of a Trading Strategy


The main components of a Trading Strategy
Even people who have been trading for a long time have a popular problem – to leave for later a detailed study of the strategy and maintaining statistics on it in exchange for driving...
Sep 22, 2021  Read
What is Swing Trading and medium-term trading


What is Swing Trading and medium-term trading
During a good market, intraday trading allows you to earn hundreds of percent of the deposit, but what to do when there is no time for active trading? In this article, we will analyze...
Sep 22, 2021  Read
About NASDAQ Stock Exchange


About NASDAQ Stock Exchange
Traders have always associated American stock exchanges with maximum liquidity. They represented the power of the financial industry and the stock market. When the conversation turns...
Sep 22, 2021  Read
Bitcoin on a flash drive? How to store cryptocurrency correctly


Bitcoin on a flash drive? How to store cryptocurrency correctly
Cryptocurrency transactions are inextricably linked with high risk. To lose your money, it is not necessary to engage in active trading at all. It is quite simple to incorrectly store...
Sep 22, 2021  Read
What is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)


What is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
The New York Stock Exchange is a cherished dream for many firms and companies. The largest and most powerful trading platform in the world, which invariably attracts attention to itself...
Sep 21, 2021  Read
US Monthly Retail Trade Report


US Monthly Retail Trade Report
Retail sales in the United States. Why should you pay attention to this indicator?Monthly statistics on retail sales in the United States are published in the United States. The indicator...
Sep 17, 2021  Read
The difference between binary options and forex trading


The difference between binary options and forex trading
The development of Internet technologies has allowed everyone to create an additional source of income for themselves today. Some people prefer to transfer their professional field...
Sep 17, 2021  Read
Trading by tick volumes on the Forex market


Trading by tick volumes on the Forex market
The activity of buyers decreases along with the price increase, which indicates that major players have started searching for the optimal point to open sales. In this regard, it would...
Sep 15, 2021  Read
Trading plan for trading on the Stock Exchange


Trading plan for trading on the Stock Exchange
Trading plans should be quite long and detailed, especially for active day traders, such as day traders or swing traders. It is definitely necessary to prescribe a plan of action as...
Sep 15, 2021  Read
Trading robots on the stock market


Trading robots on the stock market
The higher the profitability of the trading robot, the greater the risks inherent in it, which lead to losses up to the loss of the deposit. One of the first trading robots is the universal...
Sep 14, 2021  Read
Three Screens trading system


Three Screens trading system
If the bars have fallen below the 0 level and continue to decline, then there is a downtrend in the market. For example, you decided to choose a daily chart as the main one. This means...
Sep 14, 2021  Read
The International Energy Agency (IEA) - brief history and activity


The International Energy Agency (IEA) - brief history and activity
The International Energy Agency (IEA) is an autonomous international organization whose goal is to ensure reliable supplies of affordable and environmentally friendly energy for the...
Sep 13, 2021  Read
History and functions of the Bank of Japan (BoJ)


History and functions of the Bank of Japan (BoJ)
The Bank of Japan (BoJ) is the main financial and credit institution of the Country of the Rising Sun, the Central Bank of Japan.The tasks of the Central Bank of Japan are to ensure...
Sep 11, 2021  Read
What is a PAMM account


What is a PAMM account
The name of the PAMM account comes from Percentage Allocation Management Module or from Percentage Allocation Money Management. From a technical point of view, a PAMM account is a software...
Sep 11, 2021  Read
Rich history of the Bank of England


Rich history of the Bank of England
History of the Bank of England (BoE), or the Central Bank of Great Britain, dates back to 1694.However, the events that led to this happened much earlier. About the history of one of...
Sep 10, 2021  Read
Producer Price Index (PPI). Why is this index published?


Producer Price Index (PPI). Why is this index published?
The indicator deserves some attention, because it is the first more or less significant indicator of inflation for the previous month.Designation: PPI; basic (excluding food and energy)...
Sep 10, 2021  Read
What is the Industrial Production Index (IPI)


What is the Industrial Production Index (IPI)
One of the fundamental indices included in the macroeconomic indicator of any country is the Industrial Production Index (IPI). In order to understand its significance in the country's...
Sep 09, 2021  Read
What is the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI)


What is the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI)
There is one remarkable indicator in the world of macroeconomics. The Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) reflects the attitude of society in terms of current and future costs and savings....
Sep 09, 2021  Read
What is the Consumer price index CPI


What is the Consumer price index CPI
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is an indicator that measures the average changes in prices of a fixed basket of goods and services, i.e. the inflation of prices of consumer goods for...
Sep 09, 2021  Read
What is the FOMC?


What is the FOMC?
FOMC is the Federal Open Market Committee. It is a division that is included as an integral part of the Federal Reserve System of the United States. The Committee began its activity...
Sep 09, 2021  Read
The history of Federal Reserve (Fed) and its functions


The history of Federal Reserve (Fed) and its functions
The history of Federal ReserveIf we recall the events that occurred in 1907, then we can say with confidence that there really was a reason for panic. This episode led to irreversible...
Sep 08, 2021  Read
Ethereum/USD, cryptocurrency, What is an ICO?


What is an ICO?
ICO (Initial Coin Offering) is a way to attract investments through the initial sale of a limited amount of new cryptocurrency. The required number of digital assets is generated in...
Sep 03, 2021  Read
Ethereum/USD, cryptocurrency, Bitcoin/USD, cryptocurrency, What is KYC & the registration procedure on the cryptocurrency exchange


What is KYC & the registration procedure on the cryptocurrency exchange
The term KYC means Know Your Client. If you want to register on a reputable cryptocurrency exchange, it is quite possible that you have heard about the term KYC. It is not something...
Sep 02, 2021  Read
Bitcoin/USD, cryptocurrency, P2P: where peer-to-peer networks are used


P2P: where peer-to-peer networks are used
Decentralized technologies existed long before cryptocurrencies brought them popularity. The basis of modern blockchains is P2P networks. In the article, we tell you what peer-to-peer...
Sep 02, 2021  Read
Bitcoin/USD, cryptocurrency, What is SHA-256


What is SHA-256
In this article, we will talk about the SHA-256 hashing algorithm, we will analyze in detail what it is, what it is needed for and how it works. The narration will be conducted in the...
Aug 31, 2021  Read
Litecoin/Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, Litecoin/Ethereum, cryptocurrency, Litecoin/USD, cryptocurrency, What is Litecoin?


What is Litecoin?
CryptocurrenciesCryptocurrencies can simply be defined as a digital or virtual currency that has been encrypted using computer software and protected by cryptography, hence the name...
Aug 31, 2021  Read
Ethereum/USD, cryptocurrency, Bitcoin/USD, cryptocurrency, Binance Coin, cryptocurrency, Coinbase, stock, Exchange - cryptocurrency trading without commission and mandatory KYC


Exchange - cryptocurrency trading without commission and mandatory KYC
Cryptocurrency trading remains a popular and profitable type of earnings, given the rapid growth in the value of digital coins. Today, there are 397 spot exchanges operating in the...
Aug 31, 2021  Read
Bitcoin/USD, cryptocurrency, Coinbase, stock, The history of the Coinbase exchange


The history of the Coinbase exchange
In 2017, Coinbase became the world's first "crypto-unicorn". Now the crypto exchange's valuation already exceeds $100 billion, and it itself has conducted a public offering on Nasdaq....
Aug 31, 2021  Read
Zcash/USD, cryptocurrency, Cardano/USD, cryptocurrency, Litecoin/USD, cryptocurrency, IOTA/USD, cryptocurrency, Ethereum/USD, cryptocurrency, Monero/USD, cryptocurrency, BitcoinGold/USD, cryptocurrency, Nem/USD, cryptocurrency, Dogecoin, cryptocurrency, Binance Coin, cryptocurrency, Guide to PoW, PoS, PoA: how consensus algorithms work in blockchains


Guide to PoW, PoS, PoA: how consensus algorithms work in blockchains
The consensus algorithm is the rules by which blocks are generated in the blockchain. Depending on the algorithm used, some blockchains have a mining mechanism for extracting new coins,...
Aug 30, 2021  Read
Litecoin/USD, cryptocurrency, Ethereum/USD, cryptocurrency, Bitcoin/USD, cryptocurrency, Binance Coin, cryptocurrency, Coinbase, stock, Crypto wallet: the most important & practical tips


Crypto wallet: the most important & practical tips
Wallet functions and about stereotypesIn order to interact with the blockchain network - to send, receive cryptocurrency - a crypto wallet is needed. Storing assets directly on a crypto...
Aug 29, 2021  Read
EUR/USD, currency, GBP/USD, currency, Fiat money


Fiat money
According to the general opinion, the origin and functioning of monetary systems are among the most difficult to understand issues of economic theory. In this situation, it is important...
Aug 29, 2021  Read
IPO of a company - mechanism, examples & strategies


IPO of a company - mechanism, examples & strategies
The global securities market consists of a large number of segments. The most important of them is the stock market of various companies. Among them are global giants, large, medium-sized...
Aug 28, 2021  Read
How to choose an ETF


How to choose an ETF
Today, investing in ETFs is the most attractive solution for many investors, both beginners and with extensive experience.At the same time, many investors do not fully understand the...
Aug 28, 2021  Read
Dow Jones, index, NASDAQ 100, index, S&P 500, index, FTSE 100, index, Gold, mineral, Derivatives: what is it and how to start trading


Derivatives: what is it and how to start trading
Making a profit from financial instruments in the short, medium or long term is the main goal of any investor. Beginners prefer to use stocks and bonds, and we are usually talking about...
Aug 28, 2021  Read
Network security. 2FA - two-factor identification methods


Network security. 2FA - two-factor identification methods
For thousands of years, people have constantly faced the question of the safety of information and the development of mechanisms for restricting access by outsiders. With the development...
Aug 27, 2021  Read
S&P 500, index, Alphabet, stock, Apple, stock, Johnson&Johnson, stock, Microsoft, stock, S&P500 Index


S&P500 Index
The S&P500 index is one of the main and most popular stock barometers of the American market. It can be used to objectively judge what dynamics are developing in the market as a...
Aug 27, 2021  Read
Bitcoin/EUR, cryptocurrency, Bitcoin/USD, cryptocurrency, What is Satoshi - explanation in simple words


What is Satoshi - explanation in simple words
What is Satoshi? Ordinary people who do not even suspect the existence of cryptocurrency will answer that it is probably one of the types of sushi in a Japanese restaurant.But those...
Aug 22, 2021  Read
Exchange Trade Funds (ETF)


Exchange Trade Funds (ETF)
ETF - Exchange Traded Funds, which are traded on the exchange. ETFs can be safely classified as forms of collective investment. So, as already mentioned, an ETF is a form of collective...
Aug 20, 2021  Read
What are Eurobonds?


What are Eurobonds?
You can invest in foreign currency in various ways, but the most reliable way is in foreign currency bonds of large corporations and states. We tell you about Eurobonds: what guarantees...
Aug 18, 2021  Read
Dow Jones, index, NASDAQ 100, index, S&P 500, index, Shanghai Composite, index, Exchange fuses: why platforms stop trading. Seven most unexpected pauses


Exchange fuses: why platforms stop trading. Seven most unexpected pauses
From time to time, there are sharp ups and downs of quotations on the stock exchanges. When a panic begins, the rate of decline can go through the roof. To prevent trading from turning...
Aug 17, 2021  Read
CBOE Volatility Index VIX, index, The fear index VIX. Who and how earns on the nervousness of investors


The fear index VIX. Who and how earns on the nervousness of investors
The fear index really allows you to make money on investor sentiment. While some are starting to panic, others are taking advantage of the turmoil. Here's how it worksInvestors always...
Aug 17, 2021  Read
What are futures: types, features, advantages and risks


What are futures: types, features, advantages and risks
With the growing popularity of investments, many newcomers have become interested in complex financial instruments, for example, futures. We tell you what you need to know about them...
Aug 16, 2021  Read
Portfolio investments - what they are and how they differ


Portfolio investments - what they are and how they differ
Portfolio investments are a modern passive income tool that is available to everyone, unlike some other investment methods. This tool is convenient because the investor can act very...
Aug 10, 2021  Read
Everything you need to know about a Venture Capital Fund in simple words


Everything you need to know about a Venture Capital Fund in simple words
A Venture Capital Fund is an investment organization whose activities are aimed at financing innovative, promising projects or startups. For the development and promotion of even the...
Aug 10, 2021  Read
Commodity markets: is it worth investing


Commodity markets: is it worth investing
Is it worth allocating a full share of the investment portfolio to commodities? We can say "yes" with confidence, because portfolio diversification allows you to reduce risks and achieve...
Aug 10, 2021  Read
Review of the Supremacy trading strategy and evaluation of its effectiveness


Review of the Supremacy trading strategy and evaluation of its effectiveness
Supremacy is one of the most interesting and effective well-known Forex trading strategies. Its reviews are often presented on the websites of many foreign brokers. Among a number of...
Aug 10, 2021  Read
Cash flow: formula, types, how to calculate cash flow


Cash flow: formula, types, how to calculate cash flow
The success of a company is usually judged by profit. However, there is another indicator that can tell a lot about how the company is doing - cash flow, which is one of the most important...
Aug 09, 2021  Read
Forex risk hedging: why is it necessary?


Forex risk hedging: why is it necessary?
Hedging of risks with it became necessary to insure trade transactions and operations. It all started with the fact that in the Middle Ages merchants drew up special contracts with...
Aug 09, 2021  Read
Comparative assessment. Multipliers: balance sheet, cash flows and industry-specific


Comparative assessment. Multipliers: balance sheet, cash flows and industry-specific
Balance multipliersMultiplier P/BV (Price to Book value)Next, we will consider the balance sheet indicators or indicators based on the value of assets (equity). The main representatives...
Aug 06, 2021  Read
Fundamental assessment of the company. Comparative assessment. Revenue multipliers


Fundamental assessment of the company. Comparative assessment. Revenue multipliers
Comparative assessment of companiesTraditionally, there are three methods of evaluating companies:On discounted cash flows ("income method");By assets ("cost method");By multipliers...
Aug 06, 2021  Read
Ethereum/USD, cryptocurrency, Tether, cryptocurrency, Uniswap, cryptocurrency, What is decentralized finance DeFi?


What is decentralized finance DeFi?
According to the DeFi Pulse service, the value of digital assets blocked in DeFi protocols has demonstrated explosive growth and has grown from $1 billion in 2019 to $15 billion in...
Aug 05, 2021  Read
Dash/Ethereum, cryptocurrency, EOS/Ethereum, cryptocurrency, Tron/USD, cryptocurrency, NEO/Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, NEO/USD, cryptocurrency, NEO/Ethereum, cryptocurrency, Ethereum/Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, Ethereum/USD, cryptocurrency, Monero/Ethereum, cryptocurrency, Uniswap, cryptocurrency, What are decentralized applications DApps and what are they for?


What are decentralized applications DApps and what are they for?
Decentralized applications (DApps) - more resistant to attacks and transparent applications that have become possible thanks to the blockchain. Thanks to such decentralized applications,...
Aug 05, 2021  Read
What is the Return On Investment ratio and how does it work?


What is the Return On Investment ratio and how does it work?
Any investment activity is associated with high risks. This is known even to novice traders and investors. When working with classic exchange-traded assets, market participants earn...
Aug 03, 2021  Read
Leverage on the stock market


Leverage on the stock market
Leverage on the stock market in simple words is money borrowed from a broker to buy securities. Margin trading increases your profit in the case of a correct transaction, but also significantly...
Jul 30, 2021  Read
The cycle of perdition. What is it?


The cycle of perdition. What is it?
The first phaseAt this stage, the search for a trading system takes place. It can be found in books devoted to trading topics, on Internet forums. You can learn about the new strategy...
Jul 28, 2021  Read
Testing the offer


Testing the offer
Testing is by far the most important of the signals to buy on a low volume.What is a "test", and why do we attach so much importance to this action?A large trader who has accumulated...
Jul 21, 2021  Read
Professional trading using Wyckoff methods


Professional trading using Wyckoff methods
It seems that the movements in the market and everything that happens on it do not lend themselves to accurate prediction. However, if you are vigilant and attentive, you will be able...
Jul 19, 2021  Read
How to determine the beginning of the movement of the \


How to determine the beginning of the movement of the "bull" market?
To start a bullish process in the market, the Indices (or the stocks included in them) begin to fall day after day, week after week, showing minor upward movements with decreasing highs,...
Jul 18, 2021  Read
NEO/USD, cryptocurrency, NEO/Ethereum, cryptocurrency, Ethereum/USD, cryptocurrency, How to create your own cryptocurrency? Instruction manual


How to create your own cryptocurrency? Instruction manual
Instructions for conducting an ICO for beginners: creating your own cryptocurrency from scratch.You've probably heard about Bitcoin and Ethereum, and maybe about less popular cryptocurrencies...
Jul 16, 2021  Read
Who needs a P/E multiplier and why?


Who needs a P/E multiplier and why?
The P/E ratio shows the number of years for which your investments in the company's shares will pay off. The multiplier also helps to search for undervalued assets relative to their...
Jul 15, 2021  Read
The importance of volumes in the market


The importance of volumes in the market
The significance and importance of volumes is underestimated by most novice traders. Perhaps this is because we have very little information about this important part of technical analysis,...
Jul 14, 2021  Read
EUR/USD, currency, GBP/USD, currency, USD/JPY, currency, The best Forex pairs for scalping


The best Forex pairs for scalping
Scalping or scalping is a strategy that makes many demands on traders. Perhaps the most serious of them is to accept that everything you think you know about Forex trading will be wrong...
Jul 14, 2021  Read
DAX, index, Dow Jones, index, NASDAQ 100, index, S&P 500, index, Profit by DMI and ADX


Profit by DMI and ADX
Directional Movement Indicator (DMI)Average Directional Movement Index (ADX)The vast majority of profitable trading systems involve some form of trend following, however most of the...
Apr 09, 2021  Read
DAX, index, Dow Jones, index, NASDAQ 100, index, S&P 500, index, About CCI - Commodity Channel Index


About CCI - Commodity Channel Index
Commodity Channel Index (CCI - Commodity Channel Index)The Commodity Channel Index was first described by Donald Lambert in the October 1980 issue of Commodities (now Futures)...
Apr 08, 2021  Read

Complete forecasts for traders

. Traders constantly get tips from the market. But not all traders can take advantage of them. This requires theoretical knowledge and practical skills - then the trader will be able to interpret the signals in a timely and accurate manner. Forecasts are recommendations made on the basis of technical analysis. Do not rush headlong into a maelstrom. Before using a signal, independently analyze if the hint is worth believing. Remember about the risks of stock trading. First form a hypothesis, then open a position and set a stop loss if the hypothesis turns out to be false, in order to limit your losses when the price reaches a certain level. Completed trading signals and non-activated forecasts are published on this page of the site, which can be used for market analysis and stock trading. Paid and free forecasts are available at this portal. Both of them are reliable. But paid forecasts contain more useful information than free ones. It is possible to subscribe to a trader and use his predictions only. Or you can analyze the market by yourself and prepare your own signals for other traders. Register on the portal beforehand in order to use all its functions.

How forecasts and trading signals work

Rise and fall of quotations seems chaotic only at first sight. In fact, the exchange lives by its own laws, follows specific trends and is based on principles. From time to time the market generates signals. They tell of the beginning of a bearish or bullish trend. The task of the trader - to see these signs, correctly interpret them, and then open a long or short position. If the hypothesis turned out to be correct, the trader takes an ideal trading position and can make a significant profit. If the hypothesis is incorrect, the open position is closed by a stop loss to minimize losses. The signal gives a probable pullback that is intended to move the stop to Breakeven. But it is impossible to say in advance whether the price will go further in the desired direction. Therefore it is necessary to manage the position, and not to sit idly, waiting for a stop or profit. In addition, in today's conditions, it is extremely wrong to determine the signals only by the price chart. It is necessary to use other parameters: the volume and the strip, market expectations, news. And then profitable trading is guaranteed.
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