Bitcoin is predicted to be the currency of the future. Decentralization, anonymity, deflationary properties - these are the main "trump cards" of this digital currency. But the high volatility of the bitcoin price gives many the impression of the speculative nature of this instrument. Hence the skepticism towards all forecasts for the future. But is the nature of bitcoin's price fluctuations really just speculation?Bitcoin Price ChangeIf you look at the bitcoin chart, we will see epic ups and impressive downs. To an outsider, it may seem that there are no patterns at all. Moreover, many investors in traditional assets (stocks and bonds) are afraid of cryptocurrencies precisely because it is impossible to analyze long-term fundamental indicators and on their basis assume the long-term dynamics of the project and the dynamics of the exchange rate.However, if you dive deep into the essence of bitcoin as a project, as well as study the history of its quotes, it becomes clear that 3 key factors affect bitcoin quotes as well as the quotes of any stock:Fundamental factors.Speculative factors.Macroeconomic factors.But before determining these factors, we will dive into the history of quotations with you and see what pushed bitcoin up, and because of what it fell throughout its history.If you are interested in Bitcoin analytics, we recommend you to visit the analytics page, where you can find the latest analytics on Forex from top traders from all over the world. These analytics will be useful both for beginners and professional traders. The Forex signals service makes it much easier for beginners to make their first steps in trading on the financial markets. The latest Bitcoin forecasts and signals contain support and resistance levels, as well as stop-loss levels. Why Bitcoin is GrowingLet's start with the history of bitcoin. Bitcoin appeared in 2009. The life of bitcoin began with the manifesto of a certain Satoshi Nakamoto, in which he described the key concept of the blockchain and bitcoin mechanism. But bitcoin did not become a currency right away. The first transaction involving bitcoin was the purchase of 2 pizzas for 10,000 bitcoins in May 2010. If we assume that 1 pizza cost $10, then bitcoin in this transaction was accepted at the rate of $0.002 per bitcoin. By the way, the bitcoin record chain contains all transactions and we can easily see this legendary transaction by the link. Today, with a bitcoin exchange rate of about $40,000, that pizza can be recognized as the most expensive pizza in the world, since in 2022 10,000 bitcoins is about $400 million.What is pushing and pushing Bitcoin up? Let's follow the history.18.07.2010 - The first Mt.Gox crypto exchange was launched, and bitcoin gained its first quotes.09.02.2011 - Trading is rapidly gaining popularity among enthusiasts and programmers, and bitcoin quickly reaches the rate of 1₿ = $ - Wordpress blogging site starts accepting bitcoins as payment and declares it as a new level of freedom. Now everyone can publish their thoughts and pay for a subscription regardless of the regime in their country, since bitcoins are available to everyone and everywhere. The bitcoin exchange rate reaches $ - Hearings on bitcoin in the US Senate on a high-profile case on the sale of prohibited goods for cryptocurrency. But at the hearing, an important statement was made that the sale of prohibited goods is certainly evil, and it should be punished by law, and bitcoin is innovation, and it would be wrong to ban them. The crypto community regards this as the first step towards the legalization of cryptocurrencies. The bitcoin exchange rate is growing from $200 to $1, - On the front page of the authoritative magazine "The Economist" there is an article about bitcoin "Trust Machine". Bitcoin is growing by 31% in a month and then gradually moving up.In 2017, the real boom began!01.04.2017 - Japan recognized bitcoin, and immediately the quotes rose by +300%01.08.2017 - There was a so-called fork of bitcoin. The division of the currency into 2 chains as a result of the code update. At the same time, users remained with the old currency, and they were also credited with a new one – BitcoinCash. Quotes increased by +30%.31.10.2017 - The Chicago Stock Exchange announces the launch of bitcoin futures. Quotes are growing by + 200%.09.04.2020 - The first public bitcoin fund listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange is launched.08.11.2020 - The business analytics giant MicroStrategy announced that it acquired 21,453 bitcoins (BTC) for $250 million.03.23.2020 - Bitcoin rally on the Fed's QE along with a rally on tech companies.30.07.2020 - The American regulator gives the "green light" to banks for cryptocurrency storage services.08.10.2020 - Square (now Block, Inc.) buys $50 million in bitcoins.21.10.2020 - PayPal introduces bitcoins and cryptocurrencies into its wallet.12.18.2020 - Coinbase is preparing an IPO.Read more When Bitcoin appeared: telling the story of BTCTo summarize, we will see that the growth of bitcoin is influenced by the following factors:The recognition of bitcoin by various institutions from private companies (from Wordpress in 2012 to Tesla in 2021) and states (Japan, El Salvador, etc.).Technological development and infrastructure development around bitcoin (the emergence of more and more exchanges and marketplaces, the development of wallets, etc.).The penetration of bitcoin into the financial industry and the recognition of bitcoin by traditional financial institutions (the emergence of bitcoin futures, funds, etc.).Why Bitcoin is FallingAnd now let's go back to the history of deep drawdowns in the price of bitcoin to understand the patterns and draw conclusions about the similarity of the reasons.05.12.2013 - China banned financial institutions from using bitcoin. The drop was -30%.09.03.2017 - China banned ICO, and quotes showed -30%.12.28.2017 - South Korea threatens to close cryptocurrency exchanges, quotes are flying down by -25%.26.01.2018 - Japanese exchange CoinCheck stops withdrawing funds after hacking.30.01.2018 - Facebook (now Meta) has banned all ads promoting cryptocurrency. Bitcoin quotes in January 2018 fell -26%.12.05.2021 - Tesla suspends payments in bitcoins against the background of environmental problems, and bitcoin quotes in May fall by -35%.All these points can also be found on the charts above. As we can see, the key bitcoin drops are caused by:Technical problems in the development of infrastructure (hacking exchanges and wallets).Legislative restrictions and attempts to introduce such restrictions (China, South Korea)The refusal of major players from bitcoin for one reason or another (for example, Tesla).Read more: When to buy Bitcoin. A few tipsFundamental Factors Influencing BitcoinSumming up the factors that influenced the growth and fall of bitcoin in a cardinal way, we have identified key fundamental patterns. Everything that develops the bitcoin network and contributes to the influx of new users (legislative recognition, recognition by financial institutions, infrastructure development, growing popularity among the population and companies) leads to a long-term growth of the bitcoin exchange rate. And, conversely, everything that negatively affects the development of the network as a whole (legislative restrictions, technical bugs leading to hacks and hacker attacks, the rejection of bitcoin by major market players) leads to a drop in the price of bitcoin.For 13 years, the recognition of bitcoin is not going fast: periods of rise are replaced by periods of fall. The period of the fall is called "crypto-winter". For example, in 2017 there was a bright boom, then from 2018 to 2020 there was a real crypto winter. But during this period, the development of technologies and infrastructure continues, the identified shortcomings of the network are being eliminated, which contributes to a new round of growth, and so on, cycle after cycle, bitcoin has already gained 40 million users worldwide. 40 million. this is a whole big country!The result is one: the more users bitcoin will have, the higher the price will be.Why is that? Because bitcoin has one important difference from traditional currencies. Its issue (that is, the number of coins) is physically limited by the program code at the level of 21,000,000 bitcoins.In addition, one more important factor should be added to the limited issue - lost bitcoins are not restored. At the dawn of bitcoin's existence, when it cost a penny, the attitude of many owners towards it was negligent, which led to the loss of bitcoins. Currently, 20% of bitcoins are among the "lost" ones. In fact, this volume has been withdrawn from circulation.So, everything is very simple. The more network users there are, and the more capital they invest in bitcoins, the more expensive each individual bitcoin will be, since its quantity is known and limited.So with the capitalization of the entire network of 1 trillion. and with 20 million bitcoins in circulation, the price of 1 coin will be $50,000. If there is an influx of users into bitcoin who invest another 1 trillion, then the capitalization grows to 2 trillion, and the price of 1 coin grows to $100,000.Based on this mathematics, the well-known investment fund ArkInvest has made a certain model according to which the price of one bitcoin by 2030 can reach $1.3 million, and the capitalization is $28 trillion.Read more: What is Bitcoin Core? A simple guideAccording to this model, several hypotheses have been put forward:1. Due to the instability of the traditional financial system and the need for alternative assets that are not associated with either the governments of specific countries or specific companies, many financial institutions will pay closer attention to bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Next comes simple math:If only 2.5% of the assets of investment funds go to bitcoin, then its capitalization will add $4.1 trillion.If only 1% of the national gold reserves (gold-currency reserves of countries) is invested in bitcoin, then its capitalization will add $3.8 trillion. (after blocking the reserves of the Russian Central Bank, such a scenario already looks far from nonsense, but quite a logical step).If only 5% of the capital of the richest people in the world is directed to bitcoin, then this will add another $4 trillion. to capitalization.If only 5% of the savings of the largest 500 corporations from the S&P500 list are invested in bitcoin, this will increase its capitalization by $4.2 trillion.2. The instability of national exchange rates in a number of developing countries encourages the population to resort to cryptocurrencies as a real substitute for money. For example, the state of El Salvador has accepted bitcoin as a legal tender, and in Argentina and other South American countries cryptocurrencies are very actively used as an actual alternative to the cheaper national currency.If 10% of the money supply of developing countries goes into bitcoins, this will add another $2.8 trillion to its capitalization.3. Bitcoin can become an analogue of the new digital gold. That is, a kind of alternative to traditional gold, which traditionally acts as a protective asset when markets fall.If bitcoin takes 50% of the capitalization of gold, then its capitalization will grow by $5 trillion.4. Bitcoin can take over part of the economic calculations, including in developed countries, as many people do not want to work with intermediaries in the face of banks due to the gradual loss of confidence in the traditional financial system.If 25% of the volume of bank settlements in the United States goes into bitcoins, this will increase its capitalization by $3.8 trillion.We have no reason to believe this forecast or any other forecast in principle, since no one knows the future. But some points of the forecast sound very logical and have a basis already now. For example, the growing use of cryptocurrencies in Latin America due to inflation in the national currencies of Latin American countries. Against the background of the now growing inflation in all countries of the world, there is something to think about.The beauty of such mathematical modeling is that we can adjust the forecast ourselves to the situation that seems more plausible to us. For example, even if only 10% of the forecasts voiced above come true, then this is an increase in the capitalization of bitcoin of not $27 trillion, but $2.7 trillion. But this is also a lot, and this means an increase in its price by almost 3 times in 10 years. Do you know many currencies that are growing in price and do not have inflation?Read more: How Bitcoin WorksSpeculative Factors Influencing BitcoinBy speculative influence we mean the influence of non-fundamental events, such as the publication of tweets, meme news, etc.For example, in June 2021, Elon Musk tweeted a heartbreak emoji and the hashtag #bitcoin. As a result, the quotes fell by -6%. This is a vivid example of speculative influence.There are a lot of speculators in bitcoin, so prices are very volatile and can easily change by 20-30% even on mildly significant events and news. At the same time, a large amount of speculative capital creates high opportunities for both short-term traders and long-term investors, who can always find excellent entry points for long-term investments. It is also for this reason that technical analysis works perfectly in cryptocurrencies (you can learn more about technical analysis in our articles under the tag "technical analysis" or take a full course that allows you to find anomalies in the market and see the turning points and reversal of short-term trends).Macroeconomic Factors Influencing BitcoinGlobally, bitcoin is still a risky asset, the same as, for example, fast-growing high-tech companies or venture investments, and, of course, attracts risky capital. At the same time, the share of long-term "long" money in bitcoin is much less than, for example, in gold or conservative instruments such as bonds. And as we saw above in the forecasts, the influx of "long money" funds and states from bitcoin is still ahead.Therefore, bitcoin, like any other risky asset, participates in the global flow of mobile capital, and the price of bitcoin is still as sensitive to global events as stock markets and other risky assets, since the share of risk capital in bitcoin is large. We can observe this relationship by the example of a close correlation between the bitcoin chart and the Nasdaq index (shares of high-tech companies).Source tradingview.comFor example, in the spring of 2020, both Nasdaq and bitcoin had a rally based on the "printing" of money, which mostly went to the market. Of course, they went into stocks and cryptocurrencies, since bonds gave zero returns.In 2022, we are seeing the opposite trend: the growth of the Fed and Central Bank rates around the world leads to an increase in yields in conservative instruments such as bonds. This means that part of the capital flows out of risky assets into more conservative ones with guaranteed returns.ConclusionSo, we have analyzed the main factors influencing the price of bitcoin. Depending on what investment horizons you have (trading or investment), those factors are worth paying attention to. That is, if you have purchased bitcoins for several years, relying on the pace of development of its infrastructure, and expect an increase in the network and an influx of new users, then you should not pay attention to Elon Musk's tweets. If you plan to speculate, it is better to prepare and study technical analysis.Read more: Bitcoin on a flash drive? How to store cryptocurrency ...