
Trading Strategies

Trading with Ichimoku: the cloud, its purpose and trading signals


Trading with Ichimoku: the cloud, its purpose and trading signals
If you already have basic knowledge of how to work in financial markets and are on the verge of building your own trading system, I recommend studying the Ichimoku indicator. The Ichimoku...
Nov 09, 2022  Read
How to make money in crisis


How to make money in crisis
In periods of a tense economic situation, perhaps there is no more urgent question than the one that is put in the title of the article. On the one hand, it is well known that the stock...
Jul 12, 2022  Read
Ross Hook Trading Strategy


Ross Hook Trading Strategy
Most traders at the beginning of their adventure in the forex market often hear that they have to follow the trend. This is due to the observation that the prices of many assets are...
Apr 14, 2022  Read
Scalping strategies in trading


Scalping strategies in trading
Trading and investment practice has generated a huge number of specific terms and names. Many of them mean little to ignorant people, and moreover, they can lead them into a state of...
Mar 13, 2022  Read
Training and tactics of binary options trading


Training and tactics of binary options trading
Recently, I have often been asked about playing binary options. Admittedly, such questions put me at a dead end. For me personally, binary options are not a game. After all, these are...
Jan 15, 2022  Read
How Portfolio Investing Works


How Portfolio Investing Works
Portfolio investmentsMany investors have a question, why is it necessary to form an investment portfolio in principle? Why can't you buy one of the best assets and get the maximum return...
Jan 15, 2022  Read
Wave Analysis in Forex


Wave Analysis in Forex
Wave analysis is a section of technical analysis based on the theory of market movement according to certain rules outlined by Elliott in the middle of the last century.At first glance,...
Jan 09, 2022  Read
Dow Theory: Six basic principles of Technical analysis


Dow Theory: Six basic principles of Technical analysis
Technical analysis is a universal method of analysis suitable for any financial markets, be it the stock market, futures, options or currencies. At the same time, technical analysis...
Nov 24, 2021  Read
What are arbitration trades and arbitration strategies?


What are arbitration trades and arbitration strategies?
The concept of "arbitration" has long and firmly entered our lives. We hear about fair decisions of the referee during sports broadcasts. The Arbitration Court resolves commercial disputes...
Nov 01, 2021  Read
Trading Binary Options on the weekend


Trading Binary Options on the weekend
In this article, I would like to touch on such an interesting phenomenon as weekend binary options (OTC). Thanks to the OTC, binary options trading on the weekend has become a reality,...
Oct 25, 2021  Read
Review of the Supremacy trading strategy and evaluation of its effectiveness


Review of the Supremacy trading strategy and evaluation of its effectiveness
Supremacy is one of the most interesting and effective well-known Forex trading strategies. Its reviews are often presented on the websites of many foreign brokers. Among a number of...
Aug 10, 2021  Read
Sidus Method: an overview of a very simple but effective Forex strategy


Sidus Method: an overview of a very simple but effective Forex strategy
The Sidus method is a very simple and effective trading strategy not only on the Forex or stock market, but also on cryptocurrency exchanges. The main feature of the system is the simplicity...
Aug 09, 2021  Read
USD/CAD, currency, \


"20 points a day": a simple, but effective strategy for Forex trading
Today we will talk about a fairly simple approach to Forex trading that even novice traders can use. We are talking about a strategy with the telling name "20 points a day”, according...
Aug 08, 2021  Read
Market Indians: what is scalping and how to make money on it


Market Indians: what is scalping and how to make money on it
How do traders earn money on aggressive intraday tradingAggressive intraday trading or scalping can bring in millions or deprive you of capital. Experienced analysts with a huge market...
Aug 08, 2021  Read
Types of traders by trading style: from Scalper to Investor


Types of traders by trading style: from Scalper to Investor
ScalperA scalper (short-term speculator) lives by the minute hand, constantly buying and selling in order to take advantage of fleeting discrepancies in the flow of orders. Scalpers...
Aug 03, 2021  Read
The importance of the trading system and risk management


The importance of the trading system and risk management
First, it is important to understand that there is no perfect system. Even if there was such a system, working with it would still not be perfect, because the system is controlled by...
Jul 21, 2021  Read
EUR/USD, currency, GBP/USD, currency, USD/JPY, currency, The best Forex pairs for scalping


The best Forex pairs for scalping
Scalping or scalping is a strategy that makes many demands on traders. Perhaps the most serious of them is to accept that everything you think you know about Forex trading will be wrong...
Jul 14, 2021  Read
EUR/USD, currency, Why does my Trading System show a signal to sell, but no one is selling?


Why does my Trading System show a signal to sell, but no one is selling?
Now it's a time for you for managing to develop your own Trading System (TS). Let's start testing it. Even the development of a unique trading system does not guarantee that the owner...
Apr 27, 2021  Read
DAX, index, Dow Jones, index, NASDAQ 100, index, S&P 500, index, On the world\'s financial markets and stock exchanges. Part 11


On the world's financial markets and stock exchanges. Part 11
1. What is a trading strategy? A trading system or strategy is the result of careful and meticulous study of the financial markets. It is the apogee and logical outcome of the...
Apr 07, 2021  Read

Complete forecasts for traders

. Traders constantly get tips from the market. But not all traders can take advantage of them. This requires theoretical knowledge and practical skills - then the trader will be able to interpret the signals in a timely and accurate manner. Forecasts are recommendations made on the basis of technical analysis. Do not rush headlong into a maelstrom. Before using a signal, independently analyze if the hint is worth believing. Remember about the risks of stock trading. First form a hypothesis, then open a position and set a stop loss if the hypothesis turns out to be false, in order to limit your losses when the price reaches a certain level. Completed trading signals and non-activated forecasts are published on this page of the site, which can be used for market analysis and stock trading. Paid and free forecasts are available at this portal. Both of them are reliable. But paid forecasts contain more useful information than free ones. It is possible to subscribe to a trader and use his predictions only. Or you can analyze the market by yourself and prepare your own signals for other traders. Register on the portal beforehand in order to use all its functions.

How forecasts and trading signals work

Rise and fall of quotations seems chaotic only at first sight. In fact, the exchange lives by its own laws, follows specific trends and is based on principles. From time to time the market generates signals. They tell of the beginning of a bearish or bullish trend. The task of the trader - to see these signs, correctly interpret them, and then open a long or short position. If the hypothesis turned out to be correct, the trader takes an ideal trading position and can make a significant profit. If the hypothesis is incorrect, the open position is closed by a stop loss to minimize losses. The signal gives a probable pullback that is intended to move the stop to Breakeven. But it is impossible to say in advance whether the price will go further in the desired direction. Therefore it is necessary to manage the position, and not to sit idly, waiting for a stop or profit. In addition, in today's conditions, it is extremely wrong to determine the signals only by the price chart. It is necessary to use other parameters: the volume and the strip, market expectations, news. And then profitable trading is guaranteed.
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