Almost all practicing investors sooner or later in the stock market face such a process as the repurchase of shares by a company. This process is also called Buyback.
In this article, we will look at the buyback process from all sides. At the beginning, we will analyze the key points of the share buyback:
- What is a share buyback?
- Reasons for the buyback of shares.
- The procedure for the buyback of shares.
- How the share buyback affects the financial performance of the company.
- How to use the buyback of shares to a private investor.
What is a share buyback?
At the beginning, it is worth considering in general what the share buyback procedure means and how it looks to investors from the outside. In general, all the shares of the company can be viewed from two points of view, these are shares that are in permanent possession of large blocks of key shareholders of the company and shares that are in free circulation, this is the so-called free-float share, this name translates as "free float share". When a company buys back its own shares, then, as a rule, it buys them out of free-float, at the same time, the shares are withdrawn from circulation and the calculation of the company's stock indicators, in the future such shares can generally be fully repaid, that is, canceled. When a company buyback its own shares, the total number of shares is reduced, while the share of the remaining shareholders in the company increases, and the remaining shares account for a larger share of profits and more dividends are distributed.
After the buyback of the company's shares, there are two ways, or the shares are completely extinguished, while the company announces that the shares have been repaid and in fact this indicates that the company's share capital has decreased, since a certain share of the shares simply ceased to exist. In the second case, the shares can become treasury shares, that is, they are not redeemed shares, but this share of shares does not have the right to vote and does not participate in the distribution of financial results and dividends. The point is that these shares can then be reissued by the company again, when the most favorable market conditions from the point of view of the company's management will be for this.
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Reasons for share buyback
The company's motives for this may be completely different, and here we will look at the most compelling reasons why companies buy back their own shares. In general, the reasons why companies buy back their shares can be conditionally divided into 2 large categories – this is when the decision to buy back shares is made by the company independently and when, on the contrary, the company, due to certain legislative circumstances, is obliged to make an offer to buyback shares.
So, let's consider at the beginning those cases when the company acts on its own initiative:
- The main shareholders of the company are striving to increase their share. Everything is clear about the motives here, it may be because the company is trying to protect itself from a hostile takeover, or because key shareholders see significant long-term prospects for the company's business development and strive to become key owners of as large a share of the business as possible. In this case, the shares are redeemed from the share of shares in free circulation.
- The company's management obviously sees that the shares are too cheap and undervalued by the market from an investment point of view. This is a kind of investment of the company in itself, when the management has a clear vision that the company will develop steadily, its results will grow, and the fair value of the shares will be significantly higher in the future. We wrote in more detail about what the fair value of shares is and how to determine it in this article. In this case, the shares are usually repurchased, but become treasury for the purpose of their further reissue when the market takes into account all the positive changes in the company's business and the value of the shares will grow closer to its fair value.
- Increase of investment attractiveness for potential investors in the company. As we have already said, when repurchasing shares, the share of the company's share capital also decreases, which means that each share will account for a large share of the company's profits and dividend payments, even though the company's results will remain at the same level. All this can potentially attract new investors to the company and thereby push the value of the company's shares up and increase the capitalization of the company.
- It is also worth understanding that with the buyback of shares from the company, the company's performance indicators significantly improve, in particular, the return on equity indicator increases, which for many investors is one of the main indicators of the company's performance. We will study this point in more detail when we consider what changes the buyback of shares brings to the company's financial statements.
- Optional programs for company management and for bonus programs. In this case, the buyback shares are used by the company to reward key employees of the company or for special option programs for the company's management.
Also, sometimes there are cases when a company is obliged to buyback its shares, in this case, this is carried out by the company no longer from the market, but by issuing a voluntary or mandatory offer to buyback shares.
The company must announce the buyback of its shares, following the legislation, in particular, fulfilling the requirements of the law on joint stock companies. At the same time, the buyback, or as they say more often in this case, an offer for shares, the company announces in the following cases:
- Achievement by key shareholders of certain thresholds of ownership of shares of the company.
- In the case of a major transaction of the company, which is voted for at the general meeting of shareholders. For those shareholders who did not agree with the transaction, but a major transaction will still take place, the company is obliged to provide an opportunity to sell their shares, that is, it must announce to them an offer to buy back shares.
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Share buyback procedure
The share buyback process can take place in two ways:
- The company buys shares from the market.
- The Company announces an offer for the voluntary or compulsory buyback of its shares.
In the case when there is a buyback of shares from the market, the company buying them acts as an ordinary broker's client and buys shares from the market in the same way as all other broker's clients. The purchase of shares by a company from the market means a strong increase in physical demand for shares, which can significantly affect the balance of supply and demand for securities. If the balance shifts a lot or the volume of repurchases is very large, this in turn leads to an increase in the stock prices of the company's shares.
It should be taken into account here that, as a rule, the volumes of buyback of shares from companies are very significant and at the moment such volumes can simply lead to a radical change in the balance of supply and demand, but this does not happen. The buyback of shares is not carried out at a time, but is often significantly stretched over time. Professional traders of large investment companies carry out buyouts from the market, so they act very carefully so that at the moment they do not greatly disrupt the balance of supply and demand and do not cause a significant increase in quotations, because this will be unprofitable for the company itself, since it will have to buy shares at higher prices and spend more money on it. Moreover, companies like to buy back their own shares from the market precisely during the period of decline in their quotations, since the company's management, when making a decision to buy out, focuses primarily on the long-term, fundamental factors of the company's development. Therefore, the decision that the company will buy back its shares is made most often when the stock prices, in the opinion of the company itself, are low.
In the case of an offer, the buyback price is announced in advance, at which the company will buy shares from shareholders, and those shareholders who are satisfied with the buyback price submit shares to the company in a certain order. The buyback price, as a rule, is announced based on the weighted average stock exchange trading price for the last 6 months.
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How does share buyback affect the company's financial performance
In the reporting, the buyback of shares has a specific reflection. The repurchased shares seem to cease to exist, due to which the company's share capital is reduced. That is why the repurchased shares, regardless of whether they are repaid or treasury shares, are reflected with a minus in the reporting.
As a result, if a company has a large volume of share repurchases, this may lead to a reduction in the company's equity.
At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the company's repurchased shares are reflected with a minus at the market price, and before that they were reflected in the balance sheet at par. Therefore, even the buyback of a small share of shares can also lead to a minus in the company's equity, since the market price is usually many times higher than the nominal share price.
Also, the buyback of securities indirectly affects the key performance indicators of the company, such as the return on equity of the company. By reducing the size of the company's equity, its profitability increases.
A similar effect of share buyback has on the amount of profit per share and on the amount of dividends. As we have already noted, the company's profit is not distributed on the repurchased shares and no dividends are accrued. From this point of view, if the company's results do not change, but at the same time it has bought out part of its own shares, then the profit per share indicator will grow and the amount of accrued dividends will grow.
However, it is worth noting that from the point of view of a financial analyst, the buyback sometimes distorts the real financial picture at the enterprise. So, as due to buyback, the amount of equity is sometimes inadequately reduced. This negatively affects the assessment of the financial stability of the company, especially if the company has a significant debt burden.
Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to flexibly approach the calculation of the company's financial stability indicators and in this case not to take into account the buyback of shares, as a decrease in the company's equity. This will provide a more reliable and realistic assessment of the financial stability of the company. Or to take into account the level of financial stability, use the Net Debt / Ebitda indicator. The calculation of this indicator does not use the level of equity capital at all, and at the same time it can unambiguously characterize the level of financial stability of the company.
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Buyback of securities for the investor
In general, it can be immediately noted that the buyback of shares is a positive phenomenon from the investor's point of view, and positive in several aspects at once.
- If the buyback of shares is made by a company from the market, then, as we have already noted, this is an additional physical demand for these shares. Even taking into account the fact that the buyout is carried out by highly professional traders of investment companies, this cannot but have a positive impact on the market. Yes, stock prices are not growing much at the moment, but for the period of redemption, stock prices are experiencing unequivocal support. If the market is growing as a whole, then such securities are highly likely to grow stronger than the market, and if the market is declining, then such stocks are likely to be protective in the market, since they will decline significantly less, due to the constantly present demand.
- As for the buyback of shares under the offer announced by the company, this is also in most cases positive for investors in practice, since from the point of view of practice, offers in most cases are announced by a company with a premium to the market.
- The buyback of shares increases their investment attractiveness for investors, and first of all it concerns the dividend yield. Due to the buyback of shares, dividends are distributed to a smaller number of shares and, accordingly, there are more dividends per share.
- And finally, one of the most important aspects of share buyback is that if it is carried out on the initiative of the company itself, and not by virtue of following the norms of legislation, it automatically means that the company's management is interested in internal investments in its company, which means there are further long-term prospects for growth and business development. After all, in fact, in this case, the buyback of shares is just an investment by the company in itself. The resources that the company could spend on acquiring shares in other companies, it directs specifically to the purchase of its own securities. No one knows the company from the inside better than its own management, so for all other investors, this should be a certain key signal in assessing the prospects and attractiveness of the company. However, in practice, most investors do not take this into account or neglect it at all, since these signals do not give a quick and instant effect in the growth of quotations, but they clearly indicate the global long-term prospects of the company.
As a result, we can say that the buyback of shares is a positive process for investors, which also has a positive effect on the stock quotes of companies. Moreover, there may be an effect here, both in the short term, if shares are bought out of the market and at the same time the volume of buyback is significant, and the offer for shares is small, and in the long term, due to an increase in dividend yield and the development of the company itself.
However, investors should not take the stock buy-back process too unambiguously and should never forget about the comprehensive financial analysis of the company. After all, the basis of everything is precisely the long-term fundamental growth and development potential of the company, coupled with its current investment assessment, and the process of share buyback can only slightly enhance the attractiveness of the company, but in no way be the key and defining moment in investing in this company.
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