Inflation is not only an economist's nightmare. When inflation breaks records and stays at high levels for a long time, everyone feels its effect: collapsing incomes, unstable price tags in stores, fewer and fewer purchases when going to the store with the same amount, melting savings deferred for a large purchase, children's education, etc. This is an extreme case. But even when we don't really notice a rise in prices for several months, it doesn't mean that there is no inflation. It is always there, just in quiet periods it manifests itself more for long periods: the price of products today and a year earlier. And in these conditions, savings or a "financial safety cushion" are not in a vacuum. Inflation is gradually "eating up" them.
Therefore, it is important to move away from the remnants of the past, when funds were kept in cash and in the most secluded place. Of course, this method saves from losses, but only in nominal value (the number of bills and their amount), but their real value decreases. And the longer the funds stay in cash, the greater the loss.
In this article, we will look at various investment options during the period of inflation, give their characteristics with all the pros and cons, and also evaluate "their work" in comparison with inflation. Let's try to find the same "grail" or "universal recipe". Naturally, let's start with the basics – what is inflation and why it is so dangerous.
What is inflation?
Inflation is a word on everyone's lips, especially in times of crisis. Inflation is a steady increase in the level of prices for goods and services. That is, on the one hand, it is an increase in prices, on the other hand, the depreciation of money.
Inflation is estimated using special indices: consumer price index, producer price index, GDP deflator, purchasing power parity, Paasche index. One of the main indices for assessing the inflation rate is the consumer price index, since it is directly related to the standard of living of the population, is quite clear and transparent in the calculation methodology, is calculated by statistical agencies monthly and is published promptly on the website of the State Statistics Committee.
The inflation indicator usually reflects the growth rate of consumer prices compared to the corresponding month of the previous year. Also, the calculation is made by the previous month, or by December of the previous year. The consumer price index is calculated based on the cost of a set of goods and services in the consumer basket. This set includes more than 550 items of the most frequently consumed household food, consumer goods, medicines, household, communal, educational, medical services.
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As we understand, each household's consumer set may be completely different from others, so completely different groups of goods and services will be in focus, and price changes will be felt differently. We can say that in addition to official inflation, there is also personal inflation, so statistics may seem far from reality to the population.
Among the causes of inflation:
- imbalance of commodity supply and demand,
- excessive availability of loans,
- decline in GDP with the same amount of money in circulation,
- excessive "activity" of the money printing press,
- state budget deficit,
- the presence of monopolies in the economy,
- the imbalance in the development of economic sectors,
- commodity deficits,
- monetary policy.
Various social, political, and geopolitical factors in society can contribute to inflation. External factors also have a considerable impact, such as global crises - financial, industrial, rising prices for imported goods, changes in the exchange rate of the national currency.
High inflation leads to economic stagnation and significantly worsens the level of welfare of the population. However, inflation is not always evil. Moderate inflation stimulates demand, contributes to the growth of savings, the expansion of investments, the development of the economy as a whole and the growth of the welfare of the population. And too low an inflation rate can be unprofitable for the economy, as well as too high. Usually, economic regulators strive for an inflation rate of 2 - 6% per year. The inflation target is different for each economy.
In order to contain inflation, monetary policy instruments are used: the key rate, regulation of the money supply by issuing/repurchasing bonds, norms of mandatory reserves for commercial banks.
And yet, galloping inflation, moderate or low - in the end, the price increase in any case falls on the end consumer, on the population and affects the quality of living standards. And that is why it is very important to be able to protect them from depreciation when accumulating money.
Inflation exists to one degree or another in any currency.

In this regard, China looks more advantageous against the background of other countries, inflation is stable. But converting money into yuan in order to save from inflation is not an option.
Ways to protect savings from inflation
In order to protect savings from inflation, it is necessary that money works and brings income not below the inflation rate, and even better - overtaking inflation. There are different ways, they differ in profitability, degree of risk, certain conditions for the investor, entry threshold, etc. Next, we will consider the most popular options for placing savings and one exotic:
- Deposits in banks.
- Purchase of gold.
- Purchase of real estate.
- Investments in the stock market (stocks and bonds).
- Cryptocurrency.
Let's look at the essence of each, the pros and cons, and also check in numbers which of them is able to overtake inflation. Of course, no one knows the future. Therefore, we will analyze on historical data. The results achieved in the past do not guarantee their repetition in the future, but this is an excellent basis for drawing certain conclusions.
Read more: Causes of inflation and scientific approaches to their study
Deposits in banks
A bank deposit is the least risky and the most conservative way to protect capital.
And yet bank deposits have a very significant plus - they are insured. Therefore, in short-term deposits, you can keep a so-called "safety cushion" - a certain amount of money, the amount of which each family calculates for themselves, based on their expenses for a certain period of time, for example, for 6 months, in case of unforeseen circumstances.
Conclusion. The profitability of bank deposits in historical retrospect barely covers inflation. Moreover, this is a comparison with the official price increase. Real inflation is usually higher than the official one. A deposit is better than keeping money in cash in a safe, interest on the deposit can slightly reduce losses due to a decrease in the purchasing power of money. But, despite the availability of insurance, the availability of income in %, simplicity, clarity and convenience, a bank deposit is not able to save savings from inflation.
Many private and institutional investors (funds, central banks) and even states keep part of their savings in gold (gold and foreign exchange reserves). At all times, gold has been considered one of the most reliable investments. It is believed that over time it does not lose its value. Gold is always growing in the long term, it tolerates crises more calmly, allows you to save capital in the most difficult periods.
There are many options for investing in gold. Each has its pros and cons.
- Bullion and coins. In additional, it is in physical possession – you can touch it, put it in a safe, under a pillow, bury it in a hiding place, you can put it in your pocket and go to another country. Among the disadvantages are storage difficulties, liquidity, high spread (the difference in the purchase and sale price).
- An impersonal metal bank account is devoid of metal storage problems, however, spreads are just as large, and not every bank branch can open such an account.
- Shares of gold mining companies. This is already a more aggressive and risky tool that requires certain knowledge from the investor for its successful application.
- Spot contract for gold on the stock exchange. This method avoids the problem of storing gold. The price is lower than in the bank, and the spread is less than 1%. In general, the method is cheaper and more profitable. However, not all brokers provide access to this tool.
In the long term and during periods of crisis, the growth of gold prices really outstrips inflation, but during periods of calmer development and economic growth, gold falls in price, and cannot guarantee the protection of savings.
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Conclusion. Investing in gold and assets whose value is linked to gold makes sense as an element of diversification and hedging risks in case of crises and only for the long term. Gold rises in price during crises, but during periods of calm and growth in the economy, the "yellow metal" depreciates (its price falls). The volatility of price quotations determines the high risks of investing in gold as a hedging tool for savings from inflation.
Real estate
If you already have a large enough capital, you can also consider the option of investing in real estate. You need to understand that real estate will require certain expenses for its maintenance. The costs may be different, depending on the type and class, purpose of the property, options for its use. Do you buy it with your own money or with borrowed money, will you use it yourself or rent it out, or are you planning to make money on resale? It is also necessary to assess whether it will really increase in price over time, and not depreciate? In what condition will it be returned to you after the tenants? Will it be liquid when you need your savings? Analysis, monitoring, calculation, planning, qualitative selection – everything that needs to be implemented when investing in square meters.
Conclusion. Investing in square meters is a traditional way of placing savings in order to save savings from depreciation. Renting out real estate is a way to get additional income, but the % yield of this option is lower than a bank deposit. In addition, real estate that will be in demand by tenants requires careful choice of location, maintenance costs in good condition. There is also a hypothesis that real estate is always growing in price. Isn't this the best way to save money from inflation? But if we look at the dynamics of real estate prices and the dynamics of rising inflation, we will see that until 2020, inflation occupied the first place in this race. But since 2020, the growth rate of inflation has been weaker, and the growth in housing prices has increased. Preferential mortgages, low rates – these are the key drivers of the rally in the real estate market. At the moment, the cost per square meter of housing has reached records, even by world standards. Buying a home can be a profitable investment, but now it may not be "affordable" for everyone, the price of housing is too overheated, so you should not wait for the cost growth rates to remain similar to 2020-2021.
Read more: Alternative investments
Stock Market investments
One of the ways to save savings and increase them is to invest in the stock market. A wide range of tools open up great opportunities for both protection and capital gains. Let's look at some tools available to a wide range of investors.
Bonds are debt securities - a conservative and fairly reliable way to protect capital. The coupon yield on bonds is usually higher than the interest rate on bank deposits. The most reliable of the bonds are federal loan bonds, the repayment of which is guaranteed by the state, as well as municipal bonds. Corporate bonds of reliable companies with a low debt load are as reliable as federal loan bonds, besides they can provide higher income. There are also high-yield bonds, but their issuers are most often financially less stable enterprises with a high debt load, which, together with promises of high profitability, can present their investors with problems of default, that is, the inability to pay coupons or even repay the bond itself. It is better to avoid such bonds - they will not give protection to capital.
The main income from bonds is regular coupon payments. The price of the bond itself can also change, but if you hold the paper until maturity, these price fluctuations do not matter, since repayment in any case occurs at par.
For the purposes of inflation protection, there is a special type of bonds - variable coupon bonds. The variable coupon is linked to macroeconomic indicators. The coupon size is described by a formula involving one of the listed indicators + a surcharge. The meaning is that the yield on these issues will always be higher than the inflation in the economy. The higher the inflation, the higher the coupon rate. During periods of strong inflation, such bonds can better protect savings from depreciation.
Conclusion. Bonds are a conservative investment instrument with a clear mechanism for generating income. It's kind of the same deposit. From the minus side – there are no insurance here. But the choice of bonds of reliable financially stable issuers will provide 100% capital protection. Also in the bond class there is a group of debt instruments, the yield on which increases with inflation. The task only comes down to the right choice.
Read more: How to invest in stocks and what you need to know
Shares are equity securities. The ownership of a share is the ownership of a share in the business of the issuing company. A stock, at its core, is a risky instrument that does not guarantee profitability. By buying shares, an investor invests his funds in a business, so the only guarantee of income can be the growth of the business, the growth of the company's profit and the growth of its stock quotes. That is, the issuing company must have fundamental sources of growth.
An investor can receive income from owning shares from two sources:
- The growth of the exchange value of the stock: when the stock price rises, you can make a profit from their sale.
- Dividends: if the company pays dividends, then the investor, as a co-owner of the business, is entitled to a portion of the company's profits, and receives regular dividend payments.
Therefore, in order to successfully invest in stocks, you need to buy them point-by choosing only the best ones based on the fundamental analysis of issuing companies. At the same time, it is necessary to understand what internal sources of growth stocks have:
- business growth – it is reflected in the growth of all indicators (revenue, profit, assets), which will entail an increase in the share price;
- underestimation - implies a low value of the company in comparison with other similar companies in the industry according to the investment multiplier P/E. And if such an underestimation is not related to fundamental reasons, internal problems in the company, it is assumed that over time the market will notice the underestimation, the demand for the company's shares will grow, and the price will rise accordingly;
- dividend yield.
The action is an anti-inflationary tool. When many assets depreciate, the stock, as a share in a working business, retains growth potential. During the period of inflation, shares may not show an increase in exchange value (due to increased rates), but at the same time, dividend payments may continue.
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Conclusion. Stocks are an excellent anti–inflationary tool that has 2 sources of income: growth in exchange value and dividends. The effectiveness of this instrument is manifested on long-term horizons, while in the short and medium-term distances, the volatility and movement of stock prices are unpredictable. But if these are shares of promising companies that contain at least one source of growth or a combination of them (growth, undervaluation, dividends), then they will show growth in the long term. Therefore, when working with stocks, it is important to select the best assets.
Another tool for preserving and increasing capital is cryptocurrency. For many, this tool is still exotic. But in the current realities, cryptocurrency can act not only as an investment tool and an instrument of protection against inflation, but also as an excellent means for transfers and settlements of funds bypassing restrictions and sanctions. You can learn more about the cryptocurrency, the principles of its device and operation in our series of blog articles on the website (tag Cryptocurrency").
Many people associate cryptocurrency only with bitcoin. But in fact, the crypto market is more than 2000 crypto coins and tokens with different mechanisms of action. Moreover, many tokens are not only a means of earning money. Crypto projects themselves are aimed at solving important public tasks (transmission of video content over long distances while maintaining excellent quality and minimal costs, copyright protection, etc.). That is, they are useful for society and have not only speculative support.
From January 1, 2012 to January 1, 2022, the price of the main digital currency increased by more than 9,000 times. But the value of the cryptocurrency did not grow in a straight line. For those who entered bitcoin in December 2017, the result for several years could seem like a disaster – the so-called "crypto winter". The rally in the crypto market began in 2021. It is not for nothing that many express distrust and extremely negative attitude towards this market. However, the number of cryptocurrency users is constantly growing. Interest in cryptocurrencies is already evident at the state level: some countries are legalizing their turnover, developing legal frameworks, others are already legalizing their use as a means of payment. Cryptocurrency is accepted as payment, for example, eBay, Amazon, KFC, Starbucks, airBaltic. And more and more new sanctions restricting currency turnover and payment opportunities in traditional currencies are forcing us to look for new ways to overcome these restrictions. Cryptocurrency just has the potential to overcome such boundaries.
Conclusion. Cryptocurrency can show dizzying growth, and catastrophic falls. There is significant risk in this instrument, but there is definitely a huge potential for profitability. Studying, analyzing, understanding processes, sources of growth, defining a strategy and following it are important in the crypto market as well as in the stock market.
Read more: How to start trading cryptocurrencies
Diversification as a way to protect against inflation
We have considered the most common and exotic options for placing savings in order to protect against inflation and increase. Each of the methods has its pros and cons. In historical retrospect, each of the assets under consideration has different dynamics: at certain time intervals it exceeds inflation, and somewhere it is significantly inferior. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally which of the methods is the best one that will "save savings" for sure. The results achieved in the past do not guarantee similar successes in the future. Plus, in short time intervals, any asset can show high volatility – show both growth and decline (and real estate is no exception). But there is a universal recipe that works for sure:
- Diversification. This means that it would be more reasonable not to "keep all the eggs in one basket", but to distribute all your capital across different instruments, and further diversify within each instrument according to different criteria. That is, you can create a portfolio that contains all of the listed instruments: deposits, stocks, bonds, gold, real estate, cryptocurrency. The distribution of shares for each asset is carried out in accordance with your attitude to risk. For example, Bitcoin showed a dizzying growth in 2021. The well-known investment fund ARK Invest predicts that by 2030 the value of bitcoin may amount to $1.3 million. But the path to this goal may not go in a straight line. In addition, the goal may not be achieved at all. Therefore, for projects with a high level of risk, it is better to give a small part of the funds with the calculation "will shoot / will not shoot".
- Long-term investments. Any investment shows an effect only over long distances. Therefore, buying stocks, gold, real estate, cryptocurrency for six months / a year and waiting for significant growth is completely absurd. For a year, and even more so for a month, the price dynamics can be the most unpredictable.
The best option for placing savings is in assets that work even when there is hyperinflation or periods of crisis in the economy. They work, which means that they not only do not depreciate, but also bring additional income in the form of an increase in value or other sources.
Read more: What is Deflation: signs, causes and consequences
Real estate, gold, deposit, stocks, bonds, cryptocurrency – there is no universal and the best asset. Each has its pros and cons, each manifests itself differently on historical horizons: in some periods it is inferior to inflation, and in some it exceeds it at times. Therefore, the optimal solution is the distribution of funds between different assets or diversification. At the same time, it is important to choose reliable instruments in each class of assets considered:
- Bonds of reliable financially stable issuing companies.
- Stocks that have fundamental sources of growth.
- Deposits in reliable banks.
- Investments in gold with a minimum spread and high liquidity.
- Crypto projects with experience and decentralization.