Trading Q&A - this is an online platform that has been operating since March 2014, from the Zerodha broker and is a forum on investment, trading and finance topics. By registering on the site, each user has the opportunity to ask a question of interest to him. It should be noted that the forum is conducted in English, which allows market participants from different parts of the world to communicate with each other.
The site address has the https:// format, which allows you to protect each of the users from possible hacks and attacks; all personal data is securely protected with end-to-end encryption.
On average, the site is visited by more than 560,000 unique users every month. 90 percent of the audience is made up of traders from India, the rest of the users are represented by the United States of America, the Arab Emirates and European countries.
Design and interface
The forum itself has a modest, but functional interface. Users can choose the category of questions asked, as well as filter them by popularity and publication date. Using the menu located in the upper corner of the page, the user can go to the top, view the list of all forum participants, get acquainted with the available groups, as well as with the reward system. To encourage users to be active and create content, the platform has developed a special system of badges; for certain actions, certain achievements are assigned to the account, which are displayed in the "Badges" tab.

In the "Categories" tab, users are provided with information about the frequency of writing posts on a particular topic. Thus, the number of questions raised in the "General" category reaches 29 per week, and in "Trading" - 11. On average, new posts are published every 5 minutes, and in a short time the number of views can be several thousand.
Answers and comments
Most posts assume the possibility of commenting and receiving a response from other users, except for publications, the answers to which are limited by the author himself. The most popular topics for discussion often gain several thousand comments. In turn, each comment has the possibility of a response. Thus, users create threads, leading an active discussion of topics of concern to them.
The forum administration looks at content management from a democratic point of view, so that the site has the opportunity to increase the rating of a particular post, raising it to the top, or vice versa - to lower it. The position of the topic depends only on its relevance and user interest.
Topics discussed on the forum
Among the topics for discussion there are a variety of reasons: the launch of new applications and services for trading, IPO (initial public offering) of companies, news in the field of finance and events taking place on the stock exchange. Some users share their, sometimes even professional, opinion about popular cryptocurrencies, coins, such as Bitcoin, and their future in the modern market.
Traders and investors have not spared the topics of currency exchange rate forecast-Forex forecast: predictions of the possible purchase and sale price of certain currencies of countries. There are frequent discussions about the taxation of traders in states around the world: users try to determine the advantages and disadvantages of various tax regimes, and also offer solutions to reduce the amounts paid to the state as taxes.
Due to the ability to attach media files to a post or a response to a post, some professionals express their opinions on technical and fundamental analysis, demonstrating their arguments using graphs, scales and tables. For example, by arguing or agreeing in a discussion, forum participants sometimes manage to make an accurate forecast of cryptocurrencies, stocks or bonds.
Another popular topic for exchanging opinions is Forex trading signals. Usually, these signals are sent for a fee using special resources, but at Trading Q&A, professional Forex trading users give their trading signals online in daily posts or comments to them.
In addition to trading forecasts and analytics, a common question is choosing the right broker for trading. Users actively exchange opinions about certain companies, the conditions and commissions provided by them. Through discussion, participants often come to a common opinion, identifying the pros and cons of various brokers.
Read more: Stock market Broker: how to choose it and how to work with it
In addition to these topics, there is a discussion of investment funds. In the "General" category, users often discuss world-famous and local investment funds, their expected and real returns, and investment prospects. In the comments, real and former investors share their experience, tell those who want to join investment funds about the nuances and aspects of such investments.
The latest and, perhaps, the most popular topic is news. Users discuss events and information guides from various areas of the financial market. For example, in the "General" category, there are news about companies and their shares, as well as about government regulation regarding corporations or brokers. In the comments, users share their opinion about this or that event, and also sometimes assume what consequences the proposed news agenda may have.
If users ask questions about the work of the forum or the Zerodha broker, administrators or moderators of the service can get in touch and give an answer to the question in the comments. However, if there was no response on the forum, the support team will promptly solve all problems by mail.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the service has thousands of positive reviews and recommendations: users are happy to share their experience and receive it in return, communicating on their favorite topics without any restrictions. - an Internet forum dating back to the 90s. The founder of the service is a user under the nickname "Baron Robertson". The platform is considered one of the most popular and oldest forums for communication between traders and investors around the world on various topics in the field of finance.

The average monthly number of unique visitors to the site is 550 thousand people, more than half of whom-56 percent-are citizens of the United States of America. In addition to the United States, the contingent They are made up of Canadians and Europeans who are fond of finance.
Design and interface
The site has a modest, but no less functional interface. With the help of the functional menu, any user can filter the threads and posts by the necessary parameters and find the most interesting of the presented.
Below, after the top 20 threads, there are tabs with topics. By clicking the "New Thread" button, the user can start a new discussion on the forum.
Publication frequency
On average, posts are published at intervals of an hour, and the most popular of the publications gain up to 2000 views in a fairly short time.
Topics of discussion
The range of topics discussed on EliteTrader is wide: traders and investors share their opinions both about the present and future of securities, and about cryptocurrencies: there are many threads in the list in which users make forecasts of stocks, bonds, Bitcoin and other coins and popular cryptocurrencies.
The main advantage of this service is the presence of a special section for discussing certain nuances of securities trading.
For example: by going to "Brokers", users have the opportunity to discuss brokerage companies around the world, weighing their pros and cons, as well as disclosing information about commissions and other "pitfalls".
In” Software", users share their opinions on a variety of programs and software for the purchase and sale of securities and cryptocurrencies or for effective trading. Thus, in addition to the frequently used services for trading, EliteTrader contains descriptions and comments for programs that give trading signals online.
24/7 support
If there are any technical and other questions, the administration actively responds to each user. One of the administrators is present on the site around the clock, whose nickname is specified in "Staff Online Now"; this allows you to quickly process all requests, even at night. - one of the most popular Indian services for communication of people who are passionate about finance. The site itself has existed for more than 20 years, while having a base of 200,000 unique users and constant activity.

The forum has a high position in the service "Alexa", which only confirms its activity for so many years. On average, about 100,000 people visit the site every month, which is not a good indicator, however, given the target audience of the forum - Indian traders and investors, this figure is leveled.
Almost half of the site's users - 49 percent - are citizens of India. The United States of America is in second place in terms of traffic; after the United States are Vietnam, Indonesia and Turkey.
Interface and design
The interface and design of the site do not stand out among other forums on our list: Traderji has less functionality than EliteTrader, but this does not affect the process of interaction between users in any way, which is confirmed by numerous recommendations and positive reviews.
Dark theme
A unique detail is the possibility of using a dark theme. By clicking on "Default Style" and selecting "SLEEK-DARK", the user has the opportunity to apply a different theme from the usual one for using the service at night.
Mobile application
The reason why it is worth using this particular service is a convenient mobile application in Google Play. Thus, users can always be in touch and discuss events of interest to them.
Forum discussions
Topics discussed at the forum include: the forex market, currency exchange rate trading forecasts, analytics, fundamental and technical analysis. Some of the users make their own forecasts and predictions about certain quotes on the stock exchange, as well as the future value of cryptocurrencies.
Read more: Technical analysis on the forex market
Sometimes professionals share their thoughts about the situation in a particular company, conduct analyses of financial reports, as well as charts of securities quotations. In addition to the securities market, a frequent topic for communication is the forex market - the foreign exchange market, and the latest events on it. Some users share their trading signals online in blogs and threads on Traderji.
Round-the-clock support
If you have any questions about the work of the service, Traderji has a frequently asked questions section, which describes in detail the solutions to certain problems. If the FAQ section does not help the user, there is a small contact form on the site; after receiving it, the forum staff will promptly respond by email and answer all questions or solve any problems that have arisen.
Trade2Win - platform for communication of traders around the world, announced in 2001 by the forex broker "Moneta Markets". Among the extensive range of topics discussed, the main position is occupied by the topics of world currencies, forex and the forex market. The service is the most popular among similar ones in the UK.

The average monthly online service is 80,000 unique users. One third of the audience is represented by the United Kingdom, 16 percent of users are citizens of the United States of America, and the remaining users are from India, Vietnam and European countries.
The number of unique users as of 2021 reaches 270,000, which is quite a high indicator for services with similar topics. The number of messages written since the forum was founded is about 2,000,000. In total, since 2001, users have started 108,000 threads on various topics.
Design and interface
Unlike other forums, Trade2Win has a nice design in red tones and a user-friendly interface. Using the tools at the bottom of the page, visitors have the opportunity to adjust the site's widgets to the screen size or change the usual theme to a dark one.
An important characteristic of using Trade2Win is the prohibition on sharing programs that block the display of ads, such as AdBlock. The service is positioned as free precisely because of the demonstration of advertising from Google. To remove ads, the user is asked to register or log in to the site.
When the site is opened on the main page, the user is presented with a list of topics for discussion. To the right of each topic, the number of existing threads and the total number of messages are indicated. Each registered user can start a new thread by selecting a topic or by clicking "New Post" in the upper right corner of the page. All new site topics are marked with a "New" bar.
Topics discussed
A variety of topics are subject to discussion by Trade2Win users. As mentioned above, the service is more focused on the forex market, but the standard financial market does not remain on the sidelines. As on previous sites, users make predictions about the future quotes of certain financial instruments.
The blog
In addition to the forum itself, a blog is also presented on Trade2Win: by clicking on the "Articles" tab, users have the opportunity to get acquainted with articles on a variety of topics in the field of finance. The range of topics described in the articles varies from business psychology to recommendations for analyzing the state of the market. Some of the articles contain media files and infographics. Thus, the reader is provided with visual materials for a better understanding.
Another feature of this forum is the "Reviews" section. It contains user reviews on everything related to finance: from brokerage companies to trading and trading programs. The site's interface allows you to filter reviews by the necessary parameters and choose the best of the offered ones.
Book by Trade2Win
The final advantage is the "T2W Book" tab. The service has its own book written by John Forman. All users of the site are offered special conditions when buying the publication.
Support Service
If you have any questions or difficulties, the service has a page with a description of frequently occurring problems and questions, as well as their solution. If it is not possible to solve the problem using the FAQ, the administration team is always in touch and promptly responds to each of the requests. To request assistance from the administration, you need to fill out a small application form. - online forum for traders and investors to communicate about trading conventional and binary options around the world, launched by the broker BinaryOptions in 2011.

Design and interface
The site has a simple interface and design, but this does not prevent more than 20 thousand unique users around the world from using the portal effectively. In the functional menu at the top of the page, users can select the service they need.
What is being discussed?
As mentioned above, the main topic for discussion on the forum is binary options and trading them, however, in addition, users exchange views on trading strategies, as well as other aspects of trading.
Read more: The main components of a Trading Strategy
Some of the users share their proven trading signals for buying and selling financial instruments online. With the help of the function of adding images and media files to the post, participants can share technical and fundamental analyses of various companies and quotes, draw graphs, draw trend lines, etc., predicting the exchange rate of securities.
In addition to discussing aspects of securities trading, there is a discussion of brokers in the field of binary options at the forum. Users share their opinions about certain brokers, their tariffs and the proposed conditions. During the discussion, users determine the best representatives of this sector and the advantages and disadvantages of a particular company.
In general, there are a large number of various topics for discussion on the site: from cryptocurrencies to personal finance. Some users ask for advice from professionals, discuss news and information guides, or share their experiences and emotions that have arisen in connection with the trading process. On average, new posts are published at intervals of an hour; entries left on the most popular topics gain up to 20 thousand views and several thousand responses and comments.
Unlike other forums on there is a discussion of scam companies-scam. Users create threads and posts, telling current or potential users about unscrupulous scammer brokers and explaining why this is so. Thus, by compiling reviews of fraudulent brokers, people will not lose their money or avoid negative experiences of interacting with brokers.
For users who have any questions, the administration has specified all the necessary data in the "Contact" tab. Support works around the clock and promptly answers all questions and solves any problems that arise. If the interaction with employees it is inconvenient to send by mail, the service offers to contact in the official Facebook group.
Stockholic - online forum for communication between traders and investors around the world, launched in 2010. At the moment, the number of unique users registered on the service has reached 11 thousand. For more than 11 years of operation of Stockholics, users have left more than 100 thousand messages and started 6 thousand threads.

Design and interface
The main feature of this service is a pleasant design and interface. The developers made sure that using the site was not only convenient, but also pleasant. There is another feature found on this forum: the currency chart presented by the TradingView service is in the column on the right. The graph contains various quotes, as well as timeframes; thus, users can always stay up to date.
Read more: What timeframe is the best to trade on
Quick selection
There is also a quick selection menu on the right. With it, users can quickly switch through the tabs of the site in search of the information they need. In addition to the above, you can note the section with the latest messages left by users. If you are interested in the latest actions on the site, just pay attention to the "Recent Status Updates"column.
Dark theme
If users are not satisfied with the current design of the page, it is possible to apply a dark theme using the section " UI.X" at the bottom of the page.
Topics discussed
The range of topics discussed on the forum is as wide as on other resources listed in the list. Some users enthusiastically discuss the topic of long-and medium-term investments in stocks, bonds and cryptocurrencies. Another category of users discusses business, personal finance and taxation.
By going to the "Charts" tab, the user has the opportunity to get acquainted with informative detailed charts. The user has the opportunity to choose a company, a timeframe, the necessary display method, as well as to see and get acquainted with prices on the premarket and postmarket.
If you have any questions, the forum has a "Contact Us" section with a small feedback form. The team of administrators will promptly respond to the problems that have arisen and offer the optimal solution.
OptimusCommunity - forum, mainly aimed at discussing the topic of futures and options on commodities or securities by traders and investors around the world.

Design and interface
The design and interface are extremely similar to the appearance of the TradingQ&A forum, but OptimusCommunity still has its own features. The key advantage of this portal is the presence of an informative blog that describes the most diverse aspects of trading in the financial market in a way that is understandable for everyone. The authors of the articles share their experience regarding the subtleties of trading, investing and trading in general.
In the top panel of the site, each user is asked to open a brokerage account with OptimusCommunity for trading futures and options. In addition, the company offers a paid subscription to unique investment strategies, forex trading signals and other useful additions.
On the main page, users of the service can sort all the threads and posts according to the parameters they need: novelty, topic, tags used, keywords. By clicking on "Top", the most popular posts for a particular period of time will appear at the top of the list of entries, and by clicking "Latest", articles published recently are displayed.
All posts are published with an average frequency - several entries per day. Entries written on the most popular and relevant topics gain up to 10 thousand views and several hundred responses and comments.
Forum discussions
As in the forums mentioned above, a variety of topics and reasons are subject to discussion on OptimusCommunity. Some users give their forex forecasts, trading forecasts for the value of stocks, cryptocurrencies and futures on them; professionals give advice on trading to beginners; sometimes users discuss technical issues of trading: choosing a broker company, an investment fund, a tax system, and so on.
Read more: Forex broker: how to choose a good broker
In some categories, professional traders publish posts with trading signals for certain positions, attaching media files, charts and videos to the text for a more detailed explanation.
Convenient support
To resolve the problems that have arisen, a tab with frequently asked questions is provided on the site. By going to the FAQ section using the functional menu in the upper-right corner of the page, users receive a detailed explanation of what to do in a particular situation. If the FAQ section is not enough, the administration has provided communication via mail or live chat. Click "Help Center" or "Contact Us" and ask a question. The support team will promptly respond and solve all the problems that have arisen.
Babypips Forums - service for discussing the topic of finance and near-finance by people interested in securities trading around the world.

It should be noted that the forum itself is just a part of a large babypips service that offers its users trading and trading training programs, tools for productive trading, constant analysis of certain assets, technical and fundamental analysis of various companies and their quotes.
Design and interface
The site has a pleasant interface in green tones, which allows each of the users to effectively use the full toolkit. On the main page, visitors are presented with a list of topics and subcategories. To start a dialogue on a topic of interest, leave a comment or answer, you need to go to the necessary tab and enter the dialogue.
A unique point on the main page is the lobby; in it, users can communicate on topics that are distracted from finance just for relaxation. However, the rules of communication on the service still apply to this category.
In the column on the right, the user is offered posts published recently. The average publication speed reaches one record in several hours. Some posts published on the most popular topics reach several million views and thousands of responses within a fairly short period. For example: an article titled "Forex Price Action" has gained 5.6 million views and 21 thousand responses and comments in just 5 days.
The forum discusses
Among the topics discussed there are not only the Forex market and everything related to it, but also news and information guides in the world of finance, IPOs (initial public offering) of various companies, recent events, cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin and other popular cryptocurrencies and coins, stock and bond prices. Users can get acquainted with the full list of discussed categories using the functional menu in the upper right corner of the page.
As in other forums, there is a FAQ tab for frequently asked questions, but the site administration has also added the ability to communicate by email using a small feedback form and social networks: Facebook Instagram, Twitter; you can find this information by going to "Contact Us".