Learning how to trade in financial markets

USD/NOK: description, characteristics, trading signals and feautures of the pair
The US dollar and the Norwegian Franc – the USD NOK currency pair belongs to the so-called "exotic" because one of its components - the Norwegian Krone (NOK), is not among the most...
May 14, 2022

USD/SEK: description, characteristics, online trading forecasts and feautures
Another exotic highly volatile currency pair with a crown, but this time Swedish – USD/SEK.This instrument is similar in many respects to another Scandinavian pair – USD/NOK, but...
May 14, 2022

USD/MXN: quotes, signals, online trading forecasts for today, characteristics and features
A fairly rare currency pair on Forex is the US Dollar – Mexican Peso (USD/MXN). The instrument is characterized by one of the highest levels of volatility among Forex currency pairs...
May 11, 2022

USDZAR - description, characteristics, forecasts and feautures of the pair
The US Dollar against the South African Rand is not a very popular exotic instrument on the international market, but one of the most popular in comparison with other "exotics" such...
May 07, 2022

USDPLN - description, characteristics, forecasts and feautures of the pair
Another "exotic" of the international currency market is the US Dollar vs Polish Zloty pair. The instrument does not stand out with any special advantages, therefore it will mainly...
May 07, 2022

How the stock price is formed on the stock exchange: basic principles
Why do investors invest money in various companies by buying shares? It is clear that the creation of a business always pursues one goal - making a profit. However, with different forms...
Apr 22, 2022

USD/CNH - description, characteristics, forecasts and feautures of pair
The US Dollar – Chinese Yuan currency pair is very interesting because it has two parallel rates at once: the official PRC (USD/CNY pair) and the so-called "offshore Chinese yuan"...
Apr 19, 2022

How to start trading cryptocurrencies
Working with virtual currency is somewhat different from conventional trading and has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Having completed training in cryptocurrency trading,...
Apr 19, 2022

In which market is it easier to make money – on the stock market or on Forex?
Quite often we hear endless arguments on the topic "Where is it easier to make money – on forex or on the stock market?". Some traders are sure that it is much easier to make money...
Apr 18, 2022

Own time and timeframes in stock trading and Forex market
Any trading system has several specific parameters and rules according to which trading positions are opened and closed. It is impossible to create a high-quality system that would...
Apr 18, 2022

Emotions in the market – how to get rid of them?
Most newcomers, making their first transactions on the market, do not even think about the fact that they are ruled by such feelings as greed, fear, hope, uncertainty or vice versa,...
Apr 18, 2022

Intuition in trading on the stock exchange and forex
Among traders, as a rule, 2 main groups can be distinguished – these are system traders (who trade using any system) and intuitive traders (who do not have a system as such, but nevertheless...
Apr 18, 2022